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Obama's Solution For Healthcare: "Re-brand and Re-sell It"

Obama still hasn't accepted (at least publicly) that his "signature" legislation is a massive failure that should simply be rolled back and dismantled. Yes, he probably sits in bed at night, wishing both that he had never dreamed up this Obamacare concept, and also that he could magically transform himself into a drone to smite his enemies and fly high over the troubles of the world like an eagle.The President spoke to a gathering of corporate executives today, and laid out his solution for curing the ills of Obamacare (a phrase he has stopped using since the boondoggle and utter failure of the website - he now uses Affordable Care Act):

"We are going to have to, (a) fix the website so everybody feels confident about that. We're going to have to, obviously, re-market and re-brand, and that will be challenging in this political environment."

Yeah, it's the political environment, Barack. It's not that you shoved a system that only 38% of the population wanted down our collective throats, unconstitutionally, that is is not only inaccessible due to technical ineptitude, but also vastly more expensive. Even your own "put on a pedestal" case studies have blown up and become embarrassments. But the "obvious" answer is to just fix the website so that more people (even 10 more would be a victory for the administration) can access it and find out just how much more their healthcare will cost them now, and slap a new name and some lipstick on this pig.Here are a few suggestions for new names and slogans:Slowbamacare: Where you'll die waiting for our website to load before your cancer kills you!The Affordable Dare Act: We DARE you to sign up for our healthcare! No, really. Do it. You wimp. Super wuss. Double, we TRIPLE DOG DARE YOU! ...Please?Super Happy Fun Healthcare Party Number One!: Look at these talking animated cats and green haired, large breasted cartoon ladies dancing for you! Healthcare fun time! Hunsa hærri kostnað af heilbrigðisþjónustu!Once again... we see an awful, vastly expensive product produced by a failing government that would never exist in the free market.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!