Cell Phones On Airplanes? Let The Market Sort It Out


Barry Ritholtz writes:

As problematic as the weather is this year, I am much more concerned about the latest possible Federal Communications Commission rule-change allowing unrestricted mobile phones on planes.

I'm concerned that people have to look to an FCC bureaucracy for permission to use mobile phones on planes.This (like security) should be left completely up to the airlines and their customers.Ritholtz is against the idea, and hopes the FCC doesn't change the current rule:

For so many reasons obvious to anyone who flies regularly or is not a government bureaucrat, this is a terrible idea. Expect regular brawls to break out at 30,000 feet. Six sky marshals per plane at a minimum will be costly; so too will the new standard issue tranquilizer dart guns for the flight crews.

In reality, Ritholz has no idea what to "expect". His fears may or may not come to fruition. And even if they did, there may be people who wouldn't mind the risk. Suppose a frequent flier would love the ability to be extra productive and would pay a premium price for it? That's what the market would sort out. Cell phone use would be provided based on the same supply/demand and risk/reward decisions as everything else that is provided.The bureaucrats (and their supporters) see everything as one-size-fits all. They always attempt to shove everyone through their pigeonhole point of view.The marketplace works in the exact opposite way. Infinite variations abound whenever markets are freed. Different services at different prices, and all based on what the consumer desires most.In other words, in the marketplace, your options wouldn't be limited because some people are fearful. 

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