Microagression is Not Aggression


What is it with leftists and their ability to create victims out of thin air?Not until recently did going on the Internet open you up to a barrage of cant on why peanut butter and jelly is racist and how saying Obamacare is synonymous with the n-word. The World Wide Web has done wonders on expanding human communication. But now diminishing marginal returns has begun to set in, and anybody can start a blog to whine about the latest injustice they faced in gender studies class. It also doesn’t help matters when pols are continually running for reelection with divisive rhetoric on how one sect of the populace is being stomped on by another.The latest regurging trend in this bitch-fest of self-loathing is called “microaggression.” Have you ever heard of it? It turns out you probably have, but under a different expression.“Microaggression” was actually coined by psychiatrist Dr. Chester Pierce in the 1970s. Columbia University professor Derald Sue later appropriated the term to mean,

brief and commonplace daily verbal, behavioral, or environmental indignities, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative racial slights and insults toward people of color.

In normal English, microaggression is seeing racist language where there isn’t any. It’s a fantasy that boogeymen of incessant xenophobia are lurking everywhere. Once more, microaggression is a derivative of victimhood, just wrapped and twisted into a new ball of fury.Buzzfeed, the website every overly sensitive millennial loves to visit, recently ran a listicle featuring 21 college students who gave examples of microaggression they have faced. These poor, abused intellectuals wrote their distraught on giant notecards. Some favorite excerpts include: “What are you? HUMAN - Being biracial doesn’t make me a ‘what’” and “when people think it’s weird I listen to Carrie Underwood.”Oh the humanity! The suffering these precocious young scholars face is just heartbreaking! Except, not really. While small children are bombed via executive order from Messiah Obama, these overly-conscious dorm dwellers put their brain power towards feeling sorry about themselves. There was once a time sandal-wearing, tie-dye sporting youths actually protested worldwide slaughter such as the Vietnam War. Now, it’s “cool” and moral to radically oppose innocent comments about ethnicity, like an Indochinese refugee trying to dodge a napalm mortar.Over at UCLA, one professor was recently subjected to an old-fashioned “sit in” by students who took offense to his scrupulous attention to citation accuracy. Correct bibliographies are, according to these sanctimonious equalizers, really just racial microaggression. In a letter to colleagues, the targeted prof wrote,

I have attempted to be rather thorough on the papers and am particularly concerned that they do a good job with their bibliographies and citations, and these students apparently don't feel that is appropriate.

In our enlightened age, asking kids to learn Chicago Style citations is now the equivalent of racial apartheid in the classroom. It’s a shame Nelson Mandela has passed, else he could teach these whippersnappers a good thing about real institutional racism and violence.The phenomenon of “microaggression” is nothing new in the realm of progressive woe-is-me ideology. The science of victimology has been around since that freeloader Karl Marx lived off Friedrich Engels and wrote books on worker exploitation. As Marx authored screed after screed attacking heartless factory managers, he was happy to be fed from profits of the same abusive capitalism.That cognitive dissonance between reality and principle transcends time. Today, the victim-class is still a bunch of confused hypocrites who love hollering about tolerance while being the most intolerant people of all. They seek to overthrow basic social mores and recreate society into a lovey dovey after-school special. Their vision is unrealistic and unachievable because it 1) denies basic human nature and 2) is only achievable through a tyrannical thought-police.G. K. Chesterton had progressivism - and modernism itself - nailed in his OrthodoxyRather than follow a law of sub specie aeternitatis, progs enjoy changing the criteria by which to establish their utopia. They don’t move the goal post; they switch direction while running mid-field. The result is a contradictory agenda with no definitive steps in establishing their egalitarian kingdom on earth. It’s looking under rocks for new things to bitch about. Chesterton called this trying to paint the world blue by wasting effort on figuring out what blue you want first. He wrote of the would-be painter:

If he altered a blade of grass to his favourite colour every day, he would get on slowly. But if he altered his favourite colour every day, he would not get on at all.

This is where lefties are who seek new terms to describe their inner-most angst: running in circles, making no progress to the ultimate goal. Normal folks only have so much sympathy to spare. When a college-educated barista spends their days pontificating over whether the last customer gave them a funny look because of their nose ring and pink hair, the barking about “openness” becomes cliché.There is something to be said for wanting a world devoid of hate. Grace is the ultimate virtue after all. But progressives want nothing to do with human rights or tolerance. Their agenda is total societal upheaval or bust. We will be made to care, or suffer from publicity hoaxes. The resurgence of microaggression is another cudgel to beat guileless traditionalists into conformity.Here’s a message to every microaggressed/shamed/feminist/sex positivist out there: you have no intrinsic right to feel good about yourself. Microaggression is not the same as real aggression. Your middle-aged father looks perplexed when you bellyache about being a bleeding heart socialist because you have no understanding of the real world. Buck up. Start enjoying life. And leave the rest of us alone.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon! 


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