"Other People"

"People are dumb - present company excluded, of course."It is not uncommon for individuals to have low opinions of people that they don't know.  How many times have you heard someone proclaim, "people are dumb"?  Hundreds?  Thousands of times?  However, when people express such sentiments they are not talking about themselves or the people they know and like.  They seem always to be making reference to those - hypothetical - "other people."Humans tend to have built into their psyche a need to feel superior.  For instance, when debating, how many people are willing to admit that their position was in error - even when it becomes blatantly obvious?  In my experience, very few.  After all, doing so seems akin to admitting some level of inferiority.  This desire to be "top dog" is what leads folks to use "other people" statements.Recognizing this reality is important for liberty minded people due to the fact that "other people" arguments are often used against attempts at greater freedom.  Consider the following familiar statements:

  • "Without the State, people would go crazy and riot.  Of course, I'm not talking about you and me.  We would sit at home and watch it all go down on television.  We're different.  I'm talking about those other people."
  • "We can't do without government assistance programs.  All the poor would starve to death.  People are not charitable enough.  Of course, you and I would do our part. We're different.  It's those other people that are so bad-hearted."
  • "Without government intervention, the entire environment would become a nuclear cesspool.  I care about the environment and do my part, but all those other people could care less.  I'm special in that regard.  I wish other people were more like me.  Only then would we be safe without the EPA."
  • "Drugs can never be fully legalized.  People would immediately go out and start taking hard drugs.  Addiction would be universal and civilization would end.  Of course, I'm not speaking about you and me.  We're not stupid enough to shoot up heroin.  It's those other people."

Guess what.  Those "other people" are your neighbors, your children's teachers, the people who sack groceries at your local store, the doctors that you go to when you're sick, your coworkers, and the numerous other good people that inhabit this world.  In my line of work, I've met people from around the world and taught a lot of students.  My experience strongly suggests that all of these "other people" arguments are rife with fallacy.  In my observation, only a very small percentage of people fit into the collectivist opinions described herein.It turns out that those "other people" aren't as dumb and bad as many would have you believe.Next time you hear someone make such a statement, ask the person for a clear definition of what "other people" they are denigrating.  Are they talking about people they know?  Are they talking about you?  I doubt it.  They are likely expressing an opinion about people that they've never met but somehow just know are worthless human beings."Other people" statements are what is worthless.  They are useless as a foundation to any reasonable argument.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!


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