"Voluntary" Government Checkpoints Collect Blood; Spit

Our editor posted some advice on dealing with a police encounter earlier today, and that could come in very handy if you happen to come across one of the federal government's "voluntary" checkpoints that utilize uniformed off-duty police to survey drivers and even collect blood and saliva from motorists.From USA Today:

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration that uses off-duty but uniformed police at voluntary roadside checkpoints where motorists are asked on their behavior behind the wheel. In some cases, workers at the checkpoints collect blood and saliva samples, in addition to breath samples. NHTSA has said previously that the surveys do not collect any DNA. Drivers are not charged at the checkpoints.

As commentators astutely point out in the article, your average American has been taught since birth to obey the police, primarily out of fear, and are far more likely to acquiesce and presume they have done something wrong or are required to take part in this "voluntary" checkpoint.How is this behavior justified? Why through the application of fear-inducing tactics by the State, of course!

In an e-mailed statement, NHTSA defended the surveys: "Each year, close to 10,000 people die in drunk driving crashes: 27 people a day, or one person every 53 minutes, according to data (from NHTSA)," the statement says.

SURVEY OR DIE!!!Fortunately, police departments across the country are pushing back, refusing to allow off duty police in their departments to take part in these activities, which are actually run by subcontractors the NHTSA hires.This serves as a strong reminder to know your rights and to never blindly accept State authority, which may or may not be official, constitutional or warranted.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!


You Say You Want a Revolution? Keep it Non-Violent


How to Handle a Police Encounter