Does The NFL Own The Dept. of Homeland Security Now?

Looks like today will be Super Bowl themed, with the upcoming "biggest spectacle in American sports" looming. I'm looking forward to the event, as I always do, despite my precious Philadelphia Eagles not being a participant. Gambling of course always is enticing (see John Odermatt's Felony Friday on the State's gambling problem), but even without that particular aspect, the NFL is a beloved distraction in my life and one that I would do almost anything to keep as a part of my entertainment spectrum.That being said...I have to take umbrage with the actions of the Department of Homeland Security taken on behalf of the NFL. The bloated, expensive ($46.9B) and aggressive agency has apparently been working for the National Football League since June of last year.

Ahead of the Super Bowl, federal officials announced a crackdown on counterfeit National Football League merchandise, revealing the seizure of more than $21.6 million in fake NFL merchandise, Thursday.In an initiative called “Operation Team Player,” the feds targeted international shipments of counterfeit merchandise from abroad as it came into the United States, as well as warehouses, stores, online vendors, and street vendors selling counterfeit goods and tickets nationwide. The operation began in June.

For 8 months, the DHS has spent our taxpayer dollars cracking down on this epic threat to our security and well-being as a nation. One can only imagine the carnage that would have fallen upon us if a whopping $21.6m of fake T-shirts and hats had made it out into the populace! And one has to wonder how much this 8 month operation cost us? I would venture quite a few million, which means this could very well be a net loss to us, the taxpayer. Though not to the NFL of course! This is crony capitalism at its absolute worst.The NFL already benefits from a cozy relationship with the NFL. The IRS considers it a nonprofit organization, despite the NFL being one of the most profitable sports in history. This nonprofit status means it pays no taxes. And of course on top of that you have the rampant raiding of public coffers to fund stadiums that never actually benefit the community either in economic stimulus to the surrounding areas around the stadium, nor in job creation. Studies show that stadiums using public funds virtually always result in a loss. But that isn't enough. No, the NFL also will sick it's heavily armed DHS watchdogs onto anyone who dare threaten the NFL's monetary empire. They do this with our tax dollars, and with an agency we fund that exists to (theoretically) protect us from the evils of the world.Without attending a game, buying a jersey or purchasing an NFL satellite package, we're still supporting the NFL thanks to the crony capitalism of the government.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!


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