How The Propagandist Media Works

A main function of the State's propagandist media is to take something that reeks of tyranny, and then douse it with enough happy words to make the tyranny smell like roses.Politico does exactly that when describing John Podesta, who has come on to act as Obama's Senior Counselor.Watch the buildup in describing Podesta (all emphasis is mine):

...his impact is being felt throughout the West Wing, where he’s helping the Obama White House, five years in, grow up. [...]In the month since he returned as a senior counselor, Podesta has quickly picked up the kind of long-term, big-picture strategic thinking that this White House has always talked about priding itself on but struggled to do in its 2013 year of hell. Still frantically trying to turn things around, Podesta brings what it needed: fresh but experienced perspective, and the clout that comes from having the confidence of the president, despite coming from outside an Obama inner circle that’s resistant to newcomers.

Apparently, Superman has entered the building.After the build-up, comes the stench:

Podesta’s a big proponent of the executive action strategy that the president announced in his State of the Union...


When Podesta served as White House chief of staff from 1998 to 2000, Clinton used his executive authority — over the objections of many western lawmakers — to protect more land in the lower 48 states than any president since Teddy Roosevelt.“He oversaw a particularly active period of executive action,” said Jeff Shesol, a speechwriter for Clinton from 1997 to 2000. “The same shift [to executive powers] was occurring in the Clinton administration. John knows what he is doing here, and has thought a lot about the extent of presidential power in this field.”

So that's what having an "impact" means, and what a "long-term, big-picture strategic thinking" person is.It means strengthening the powers of the President. If Obama wants something, he can have it. Just write an Executive Order!A bouquet of fresh tyranny, carefully arranged by the propagandist Politico.

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