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Obamacare & The Sochi Olympics: Sides Of The Same Coin

I know what you're thinking when you read the headline to this post: "How the hell can Obamacare and the Sochi Olympics have anything in common?" Well, from a practical standpoint, they don't. However, when you look at them as ego-driven political maneuvers that have cost billions and backfired somewhat spectacularly, we start to see the similarities.Barack Obama's "signature" legislation is the abomination known as Obamacare, or the Affordable Care Act. We'll ignore the irony of that name (ACA) in this article. It was meant to be his grand legacy - what would cement him in the history books as one of the greatest presidents in the history of these United States. He forced this legislation down the throats of an American populace that opposed it by quite a large majority, via the benefit of having a Democratic Congress. He ignored the polls, ignored the warnings of economists (and naturally the objections of Austrian Economists most of all) and put pen to paper to enact a bill that has caused vast misery within this nation.It also reeks of Crony Capitalism, as Obamacare puts the government even further into collaboration with Big Pharma and Big Healthcare. Few Americans realize this, but Obamacare actually has an arrangement with the insurance companies to pay for any losses they may incur. And who pays for that? We do. Not only do we all get higher premiums, but we also get to pay (via taxation) for that tiny portion of the population who might not, or who have preexisting conditions that cost insurance companies a pretty penny to cover.The launch of the Obamacare website was a fiasco, costing taxpayers over $500 million for a non-functioning, buggy and easily-hacked system. The website was launched too early and wasn't nearly ready. It wasn't tested enough. It couldn't handle the numbers of people that needed to access it. It was an embarrassment that Obama and his administration first tried to lie about (as they did with the entire ACA and its millions of warts) before finally (grudgingly) acknowledging the problem.Then, to try to fix it, Obama and his gaggle of harpies went about making direct changes to the law, beholden to no rule of the land. This is illegal and unconstitutional. Changes to bills have to go through Congress. However, this isn't happening. Obama has taken on the mantle of a dictator who operates outside the law but maintains a facade of democracy. After all, Obama is confident that, as President, he can do "whatever he wants." He even stated that just the other day. Obamacare: President Obama's legacy - a failed project, costing trillions of dollars and millions of jobs, that he forced through because of his ego and his desire to see himself immortalized.Now - how many similarities can we find between Obama & the Affordable Care Act and Putin with the Sochi Olympics?Let me count the ways:1. Putin also operates as "President" of a "democracy" in Russia. However, we all know he runs the country as a de-facto dictator, who is driven by his ego above all other things. Need hilarious proof of this?2. The Sochi Olmpic games were supposed to be Putin's signature event of his reign. An Olympic spectacle to show the world how powerful Russia, and Putin by proxy, had become. How economically strong, culturally relevant and technologically advanced. It cost him over $51 billion dollars to achieve - more than any other Olympics by a vast margin.3. Much of the cost of these Olympic games came from corruption guessed it...Crony Capitalism. Russia is one of the most corrupt countries in the world and the government regularly gifts large project work to friends of the Kremlin. Just like the US government does, and just like Obama loves to do when he gives his friends with no experience cushy posts as foreign ambassadors. Of course, when you trust your friends to do a job that they don't have much experience in, they don't do the job well. Sochi's Olympic hotels are now famous for their problems - pilloried internationally by the media for having broken fixtures, a lack of floors, dogs sleeping in the hallways, and a litany of other issues. And of course there were other problems - athletes getting injured on slopes that weren't tested enough. Roadways still being built through main through-fares that weren't ready in time and couldn't handle the traffic.And to top it all off, one of the Olympic rings in the opening ceremony didn't light correctly.olympic-rings4. How was this handled by Putin? Well, much in the same way as Obamacare was handled. With assurances that this was a great thing for Russia and Russians (even though historically no Olympics has ever provided any economic boost) and that everything was working just fine. Putin's ego wouldn't allow anything to infringe on his greatness or his legacy.Obama and Putin have so much in common. Russia-U.S. relations should be in prime position for a truly wonderful relationship moving forward.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!