Felony Friday: CT Officials Create More Than A Quarter Million Felons Overnight

Imagine sliding out of bed on a cold February morning. You slip on a warm jacket and step outside into the bitter cold morning to grab the mail. You open the door and trek to the mailbox, barely noticing a fresh coating of snow.Nervously, you peer into the mailbox and notice a letter from the Connecticut State Police. You quickly rip it open and begin to carefully read what appears to be a list of demands. The letter makes it abundantly clear that the required application for an assault weapon was not received in time to meet the January 1st deadline in accordance with the new state law. Your heart skips a beat. The consequences of disobeying this law are a class D felony. You have become a felon overnight!The above scenario was a reality for more than two hundred people in Connecticut this past week. If they refuse to comply with the demands laid out on the piece of paper, then the State could forcibly confiscate their “assault” weapon or “large capacity” magazine and throw them in jail.Refusal to comply with the new gun-control law, Public Act 13-220, could result in tens of thousands of Connecticut residents being charged with felonies. Out of around three hundred seventy thousand owners of assault weapons only around forty eight thousand permit applications were received prior to the deadline. The state has not begun to deal with those that did not bother to even send an application. The first threats were sent to those that tried to comply, but were tardy with their correspondence.There would have been a greater number of residents greeted with threatening letters, but state officials granted leniency to those that had applications notarized prior to January 1st and postmarked by January 4th. The tardy applicants that did not meet the deadline received the aforementioned nasty letter from the Connecticut State Police providing four options to reconcile an unregistered “assault” weapon or “large capacity” magazine with the State:

  1. Render the assault weapon or large capacity magazine permanently inoperable
  2. Sell the assault weapon or large capacity magazine to a licensed gun dealer
  3. Remove the assault weapon or large capacity magazine from the state
  4. Make arrangements to relinquish the assault weapon or large capacity magazine to a police department or to the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection

How nice of the State to supply such wonderful choices! You can sell, run for the border, or turn over your now illegal property to the authorities. Those three demands are pretty straightforward. If you’re a little twisted in the head and want to destroy a perfectly working rifle and magazine, then that’s OK too! Of course, the State will probably demand pictures to prove the weapon was destroyed. The State’s logic would probably go this way, if a person cannot be trusted to own an unregistered rifle, then how can they be counted upon to destroy one sufficiently? Maybe some State officials would like to watch the destruction or even participate!If this is how the “authorities” in Connecticut are treating those individuals that tried to register their property and failed, then what on earth do they have in store for the poor souls that didn't even bother to submit an application? What about those unlucky people that sent in their application on time, but the Post Office fumbled the delivery? You can bet the notoriously unreliable government mail carrier lost a few applications along the way.It would not be surprising to see the Connecticut State Police start midnight SWAT raids complete with battering rams and tear gas for those with unregistered weapons. After all, pesky citizens that believe in wild ideas like property rights and the Second Amendment need to be taught a lesson. What better way to send a message than by raiding their property and destroying their possessions?I pray this does not occur.This entire situation is sickening. My heart goes out to the brave souls in Connecticut that have not submitted to the government decree to register arms. Hopefully, the politicians in Connecticut heed the rebellious message from the people, who are peacefully rising in opposition to this liberty infringing law.The nation will be watching Connecticut closely during this historical time. Every liberty lover should be thankful for the tens of thousands of brave individuals that are peacefully resisting the Connecticut State government’s call to register assault weapons and large capacity magazines.Check out our past editions of Felony Friday!Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!


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