The Morning Roar: Obama Nominates SOPA Lobbyist, NYPD Does Not Protect People, And John Kerry The Hypocrite

Obama nominates former SOPA lobbyist to lead TPP negotiationsThe Electronic Frontier Foundation reports that President Obama has nominated former SOPA lobbyist Robert Holleyman to join the U.S. negotiators leading the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). The TPP is a secretive, multi-national trade agreement which, if the establishment cronies have their way, will serve to restrict intellectual property laws around the world.  Obama's nomination of Holleyman, a former CEO of the Business Software Alliance (BSA), signals that the administration has every intention of pushing forward to include draconian copyright policies in the TPP. The vast majority of people in the United States are against this sort of legislation, but the TPP does garner support from out of touch politicians. It is interesting, but not surprising, that more Republicans than Democrats favor the draconian copyright policies in the TPP. This is more evidence that bipartisan legislation can lead to some of the absolute worst liberty trampling policies.NYPD says it is not their job to protect peopleWhile riding on the subway a New York City man wrestled a crazed knife wielding lunatic to the ground. The Libertarian Republic reports that the local hero, Joseph Lozito, suffered several stab wounds to his face and head area during the heroic episode. The crazed knife wielding man, Maksim Gelman, had been blundering loudly on the subway train prior to attacking. Two police officers, Terrance Howell and Tamara Taylor, allegedly ignored the obviously unstable man. Gelman announced, "you're going to die," and attacked Lozito, which led to a struggle between the two men and ultimately resulted in Lozito subduing Gelman. The cops allegedly stood by and watched as the attack occurred right in front of them.The hero, Lozito, is suing the city and claims that he would not have been attacked if the police had done their job. The city has responded by saying it is not their duty to protect people on the train.If it is not the job of the police to protect, then for what reason are we paying them?

John Kerry says the damnedest thingsThe following is a real quote from Secretary of State John Kerry in response to Russia sending troops into the Ukraine, "You just don’t in the 21st century behave in 19th century fashion by invading another country on completely trumped-up pretext." Even the lefties over at are holding Kerry's feet to the fire for his hypocritical comment.Kerry's new-found respect for the sovereignty of other nations appears to be a brand new phenomenon. Back in August 2013 he had the following to say about invading Syria, “After a decade of conflict, the American people are tired of war. Believe me, I am, too. But fatigue does not absolve us of our responsibility.” He said that “history would judge us all extraordinarily harshly if we turned a blind eye to a dictator’s wanton use of weapons of mass destruction against all warnings.”There is another layer of irony when considering that Kerry is condemning Russian troops being sent into Crimea on the premise that it equates to an act of war, but he favors the United States placing sanctions upon Russia, which is an act of war.Thankfully the American people are waking up to this sort of hypocrisy. A few years ago these comments would have slid by largely unnoticed by the American populace.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!


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