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The Morning Roar: Local Cops Spy on Cell Calls, Obamacare Continues to Fail, Scientists Skeptical of Climate Change Ignored By MSM

Local Law Enforcement's Abuse of Warrant-less Cell Taps Is Becoming A ProblemBy now everyone knows about the NSA's nefarious acts of spying against an unsuspecting (well, except for libertarians) American citizenry. In a troubling revelation, local law enforcement may be taking pages out of that playbook.The Tallahassee, FL Police Dept. utilized a "Stingray" device, which tricks cell phones into connecting to it as if it were a cell tower, over 200 times without warrant in 2010 according to reports. This came to light when they arrested a criminal suspect who was under suspicion for stealing a phone. They tracked the suspect and raided his home, however during the trail is was made clear that there was never a warrant for using the Stingray. Of course, the cops didn't want to admit that to a judge, lest their treachery against the Constitutional rights of their suspect be made known.

In the court case, Thomas’ attorney asked police how they determined the defendant had the cell phone in question. The police declined to answer. A judge ordered a response, but only after clearing the courtroom and sealing the official record.

This type of unconstitutional action by local law enforcement is becoming more commonplace as technology becomes more readily available and affordable to regional police forces.Uninsured Aren't Opting For Obamacare & A New Bill De-Fangs Individual Mandate NoncomplianceTwo bits of good news if you don't enjoy the State forcing healthcare down your throat. The first is that even with the system up and running (in theory), the uninsured still aren't joining up. From the Washington Post:

A pair of surveys released on Thursday suggest that just one in 10 uninsured people who qualify for private health plans through the new marketplace have signed up for one — and that about half of uninsured adults has looked for information on the online exchanges or plans to look.

The second piece of news is that those who aren't insured (and don't want to be) won't get hit with any penalty by the IRS for disobeying the commands of the rulers on high. A new bill has passed the House (by 90 votes) which lowers the tax/fine that can be levied against someone in violation to $0 for the year. Dictator Obama has stated that if the legislation reaches him, he will veto it. Let's hear from the Weekly Standard, which sums his attitude and the ramifications of Obama's reign quite nicely.

Given the wide margin by which the legislation passed the House, along with the significant level of bipartisan support with which it passed, perhaps the Senate will actually take a vote, pass the bill, and give Obama that chance.  That would provide a welcome reminder to the American people of the extent to which Obama’s centerpiece legislation relies upon coercion.But it also relies on lawlessness—a fact that is becoming more apparent by the day.  Within hours of threatening to veto this legislative change to Obamacare, Obama announced that he is again making an executive change to Obamacare, in plain defiance of the legislative text, the rule of law, and the constitutional separation of powers.  No wonder left-leaning constitutional scholar Jonathan Turley says that we are at “ a constitutional tipping point” and that Congress must act to stop this president’s “dangerous,” “destabilizing” “aggregation of power.”

Scientists Questioning "Consensus" On Climate Change Blacklisted by MSMThere is a massive problem surrounding climate science. Namely that the science part, which by the definition of the scientific method is supposed to be continuously questioned and up for debate in order to prove the science, is routinely referred to in the mainstream media as being in "consensus." This is despite factual evidence of a 15 years-and-counting pause in global warming that has alarmists spewing more unproven theories at us to explain it. It is also in spite of a massive lull in the predicted major weather events (which we were told were part-and-parcel with global warming). We are currently in one of the all time lows for extreme weather including hurricanes, tornadoes, etc.There are literally thousands of scientists who want to continue the debate and to actually find climate models that work, rather than ones that are constantly doctored or that ignore information sets that don't agree with the money-making and heavily grant-funded warming predictions. How many have the mainstream media interviewed?  From CNS:

Neither CBS nor ABC have included a skeptical scientists in their news shows within the past 1,300 days, but both networks included alarmists within the past 160 days -- CBS as recently as 22 days ago. When the networks did include other viewpoints, the experts were dismissed as "out of the scientific mainstream" or backed by "oil and coal companies."
NBC did a far better job than the other broadcast networks, but the last time they included a skeptical scientist was still a whopping 298 days ago. NBC's May 13, 2013, "Today" included Dr. Jay Lehr of the Heartland Institute. Lehr criticized the supposed link between carbon dioxide and global temperatures.

No matter where you stand on climate change, the desire to see actual working proof and for real scientific method to be observed needs to be paramount. Debate cannot be stifled, especially with so much failed "consensus" to date, and nary an explanation for it.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!