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The Morning Roar: Rumor That CT Police Refuse To Enforce Gun Law, Neocons Call For Rebellion At CPAC, And Complete Worldwide Surveillance A Few Years Away

Rumor That Connecticut Police Are Refusing To Enforce Gun Registration LawOn Friday night the interwebs caught fire at news that head of the Connecticut Peace Officers' Association was going to release an open letter stating that the CT police will not "be party to the oppression of the people of the state by enforcing an unconstitutional law." The story broke on the website Arms and the Law, from what I can gather. Police opposition to this law would be awesome news, but the story may be a hoax. The page linked to above has since been updated with a statement that says a Connecticut Peace Officers' Association cannot be located. Until the original source of the news can provide further verification it should be treated as a hoax.Even though we are unsure of the possibility of police opposition, it would make sense for the police in Connecticut to oppose the enforcement of the new law, which called for the registration of all "assault" rifles and "large" capacity magazines. Enforcement could lead to confiscation, which is not only unconstitutional and immoral, but could put the police in comprised and potentially dangerous situations.Neoconservatives Issue Call For Rebellion At CPACIt was amusing to watch all the little neocons try to mimic the early 2016 GOP front-runner Rand Paul at the CPAC conference the past few days. Paul started the battle of rhetoric on Thursday. Newt Gingrich and Rick Perry tried their best to one up the freshman Senator from Kentucky over the next couple days.The Washington Examiner offered this summary of Paul's speech.

In terms of policy, Paul focused on the National Security Agency's cell phone data collection. "I believe what you do on your cell phone is none of their damn business," he said to raucous cheers, before criticizing President Obama for disappointing the proponents of civil liberties. "A great president would have protected us from the prying eyes of the NSA."Paul only moved to policy, though, after simultaneously critiquing the Republican Party and continuing his attempt to appeal to black voters."You may think I'm talking about electing Republicans; I'm not," he said after describing a political environment congenial to CPAC attendees. "I'm talking about electing lovers of liberty. It isn't good enough to pick the lesser of two evils."

CBS news covered Rick Perry's attempt to relate to the same disgruntled electorate courted by Paul.

"It's time for a little rebellion on the battlefield of ideas," Perry said at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) just outside of Washington. Perry received an enthusiastic response from the conservative activists at the annual gathering by hailing the success of Republican-led states and decrying the growth of the federal government."Nowhere does the Constitution say we should federalize classrooms," he said. "Nowhere does it give federal officials primary responsibility over the air we breathe, the land we farm, the water we drink. And nowhere does it say Congress has the right to federalize health care."

The Washington Times reported on Newt Gingrich's attempt to win the war of words over the weekend.

“I would suggest it’s time for a big rebellion on the battlefield of ideas,” Mr. Gingrich said Saturday.If conservatives simply oppose President Obama and Mrs. Clinton and do nothing else it will actually damage the GOP’s prospects in the 2014 midterms and 2016 presidential election, he said.He called teachers’ unions “the biggest prison guards of education” and slammed New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio for his recent actions on charter schools in the city. Mr. Gingrich said that conservatives, by harnessing technology such as the iPhone, can saddle Mrs. Clinton with the label of “leading prison guard of the past” and drag down the Democratic Party in the process.“There is a revolution coming, and we have the opportunity to lead it,” he said.

Gingrich and Perry are in mid-primary form with their calls for rebellion and revolution. Too bad they are so late to the party. The revolution of ideas started in 2007 during the Presidential run of Congressman Ron Paul. Welcome to the Revolution boys, leave your wars, welfare, and Federal Reserve Notes at the door!Julian Assange Claims Complete Worldwide Surveillance Is Only A Few Years reports:

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has claimed that the ability for the whole human race to be monitored online is only a few years away, while railing against the National Security Authority (NSA).Speaking via a tenuous Skype connection, Assange, who currently has asylum in the Ecuadorian embassy in London, spoke of the continued battle to release Government information and described the increasing number of laws allowing online surveillance as 'the penetration of human society'.

The only thing preventing the entire human race from being monitored online is the fact that a significant number of humans lack the resources to gain access to online content.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!