The Morning Roar: SWAT Team Raids Strip Club, Police Less Forceful When Wearing Cameras, and Senate Democrats Hold All-nighter Climate Change Talkathon
SWAT Team Raids Strip ClubThe Libertarian Republic reports on heavily armed cops raiding Cheetahs strip club in San Diego, CA.
The police were there to make sure that the club’s 30 dancers had the correct paperwork and were in compliance with local codes.Then things got creepy.The police insisted on taking pictures of the nearly-nude dancers. According to dancer Katelynn Delorie, “They made me feel like I was a gang member, pretty much, and they wanted to document every single one of my tattoos.”
Your tax dollars at work ladies and gentlemen! Are there any other businesses out there where part of the compliance process requires pictures of employee tattoos? It appears that the police are using their position of authority in the community to cover-up sexual harassment. This is a blatant invasion of privacy by the officers. The least the boys in blue could have done was pay the girls for their time. Perhaps if the cops in this story would have been held to a standard similar to the one in the next story, this trampling of liberty could have been avoided.Police Use Of Force Drops When Officers Wear Video CamerasWhen cops know that someone is watching they behave more professionally and are less likely to use force. Some would think this is common sense, but now there is some scientific data to back up these claims. has the report.
The body cameras were introduced on officers in February 2012, over the next twelve months total complaints filed against them dropped by a staggering 88%, with use of force by officers dropping by 60%.With the cameras there has been an improvement in officer’s demeanor and tone towards those they serve. As Chief Farrar noted, “With a camera they are more conscious of how they speak and how they treat people.”When those in a position of authority are watched they are less likely to abuse that authority. Chief Farrar says, “That’s just human nature. As an officer you act a bit more professional, follow the rules a bit better.” In addition it also helps protect officers from false accusations of excessive use of force.
The article speculates that this experiment could be a catalyst for effective police reform throughout the country. This type of reform should be supported and would lead to more accountability by police officers.This experiment begs the question, if we had more privatized police forces, would cops already be wearing cameras in order to satisfy market demands? Simple, common sense measures like officers wearing video cameras get buried in the bureaucratic mess that is publicly funded security.
The talkathon is the latest effort by the group, which is working with a parallel House caucus, to elevate the issue of global warming. The members know that serious climate change legislation stands no chance of passage in this divided Congress, where many lawmakers in the Republican-majority House deny the science of human-caused global warming.
Climate caucus members say their objective is to raise the urgency of global warming and build toward a time when the political landscape may have shifted enough that a bill could pass. They argue that there are signs that the political winds may already be changing.
“It’s aimed towards the day when something more concrete can be legislated,” said Senator Edward J. Markey, Democrat of Massachusetts, a veteran of climate and clean-energy policy battles.
Mr. Markey, who made climate change the centerpiece of his campaign when he ran in a special election for the Senate last year, was part of a group of House Democrats who started pushing in the 1990s for a bill to increase vehicle fuel economy standards. The auto industry lobbied fiercely and effectively against the bill for years, but Mr. Markey kept going in floor speeches, meetings and behind-the-scenes efforts. Opinion eventually began to change as public support grew and Republicans who had once opposed tougher standards changed their minds. The landmark law was passed in 2007 and signed by President George W. Bush.
According to the climate change crowd, if you do not fully support a top down fascist scheme that "saves the planet" from the evils of man-made carbon pollution, then you don't believe in science. Forgive me for asking, but where is the scientific research that supports crony corporations shoveling loads of campaign cash to politicians running for office? Where are the peer-reviewed journals that advocate a politician vote for "climate change" legislation that is friendly to the politically connected businesses and crushes the rest? This climate change talkathon is tantamount to placing a giant for sale sign on the backs of the Senators participating. This way crony corporations knows where to shovel the campaign funds.
Hopefully people are waking up to this all too familiar dog and pony show, which results in politicians getting re-elected and the people of the United States getting the shaft.
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