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The Morning Roar: Obama Sits Between Two Non-Cannabis Plants, CT "Bang Down Your Door" Cop on Leave, OK To Legalize Gold & Silver Tender?

Obama Sits Between Two Non-Cannabis PlantsAs anyone plugged into social media surely knows by now, President Obama recently appeared on an episode of "Between Two Ferns", an off the cuff talk show hosted by comedian Zach Galifianakis,  best known for the Hangover movies. You might suspect I'm here to rain on everyone's parade, but even this bitter libertarian can appreciate humor, even when it comes from the Exalted Bringer of Drone Death and Crony Health Care. Indeed, it's quite funny.

Between Two Ferns with Zach Galifianakis: President Barack Obama from President Barack Obama

Why is the President appearing on an Internet-only talk show? To promote Obamacare to all the cool kids, of course! But hey, I won't harp on him for that.  The geekiest corners of the web are where some of the most intelligent debate takes place after all, and someone's gotta market the ACA.I have to wonder if it was difficult for pro-Marijuana advocate Galifianakis - who once lit up a joint on national television - to sit and yap it up with a man who would enforce laws calling for his jailing for possessing such a substance. Obama, meanwhile, has used confusing rhetoric at best when it comes to marijuana legalization, despite the fact that he was a well-documented user of marijuana in high school.  If Zach Galifianakis had his way, his show would likely take place between two cannabis plants, but alas, as long as the War on Drugs continues he will have to settle for his ferns.For more on the follies of the War on Drugs, check out my Lions of Liberty Podcast interview with Dr. Mark Thornton. Connecticut "Bang Down Your Door" Cop Placed on LeaveEarlier this week after a CT police  officer was accused of saying he wanted to bang down doors and confiscate guns. A Facebook screen shot has since surfaced that seemed to confirm the story. (click the below image to enlarge)Untitled5 The man in question in the Facebook conversation, part of the heated debate over a CT gun registration law which seemingly made overnight felons out of a quarter million people,  is Officer Joseph Peterson of the Branford Police Department in CT.  Peterson's exact words were ""I give my left nut to bang down your door and come for your gun…". As reported by Freedom Outpost, Peterson has now been placed on leave while the incident is investigated.It is certainly possible that Officer Peterson didn't mean the words he said, but was merely fired up in the middle of a heated debate and decided to make a snarky remark.  Regardless, it gives us a glimpse into the realities of what gun registration laws ultimately mean. If these registration laws are to truly be enforced - and as of yet they have not been enforced in CT to the best of our knowledge - it would mean police officers would have to go door to door looking for and confiscating the guns of private individuals.Luckily for Mr. Peterson, he is not the representative of a private company that would have to deal with the PR ramifications of his statement. In reality, the "investigation" is probably just a bit of PR on the part of the Branford Police to keep up the very vague and unconvincing image that they are "listening to the people" on this subject.Time will tell, as hundreds of thousands of Connecticut residents have displayed their disapproval of the gun registration bill through non compliance.Story: Freedom OutpostOklahoma to Legalize Gold and Silver Tender?The state of Okalahoma took a big step toward legalizing gold and silver tender - meaning gold and silver would become legal as payments for debts and taxes - when the State Senate passed a bill that would do just that. The legislation will move on to the State House.While bills like this do not address the heart of the problem -  the very concept of "legal tender", where governmental bodies simply decree what constitutes a legal form of payment -  I can appreciate them as a symbolic blow to the Federal Reserve's legal monopoly over the United States currency. The FED is about as shady, corrupt and powerful of an institution that exists in the world, and's Michael Lotfi believes that when states start to use gold and silver as legal tender,

Federal Reserve notes would become largely unwanted and irrelevant for ordinary people. Nullifying the Fed on a state by state level is what will get us there. Without a single act of Congress, the Federal Reserve system can be brought to its knees by passing such bills in states all over the country.

I may be more skeptical about how easy the Federal Reserve will fall to the wayside, but I can certainly appreciate the effort.For more on the Federal Reserve, check out my Lions of Liberty Podcast interview with the immortal G. Edward Griffin.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!