Lions of Liberty

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"People Are Idiots"

It’s a phrase that gets tossed around rather nonchalantly, and just about any situation can justify it.A traffic jam. “These people are idiots!”A long line at the grocery store “OMG these people are such idiots!”And every so often, in political debate. “Yes, I understand your ideas about X, but people are idiots, so therefore we need to maintain system Y.”This is a major mental obstacle that anyone wishing to advance the ideas of liberty, or advance the ideas of anything, must overcome and dispel in their own minds. It is dangerous, and illogical.If “people are idiots”, and you are a singular “people” – a person – then by that logic you too must be an idiot. And why would anyone listen to an idiot?Of course, the user of the phrase isn’t referring to people like him. No, he’s talking about some mysterious tribal “other people” that seemingly inhabit the entire planet, yet never include this user, his immediate family or inner circle of friends. They are the smart ones - it’s those other people who are the idiots!It takes some kind of arrogance for someone to truly believe that they were either some X-Men type super-intelligent mutant, or were specifically designed by their perceived Creator to be wiser than the rest of humanity.The only logical course of thought in regards to other humans is “I am capable of thinking this way. I am human. Therefore, other humans are capable of thinking this way.”Liberty will never be advanced if we look down upon our fellow man as inferior beings. Surely idiots do exist – the word was created to define something – but most people that we mistake for “idiots” for holding what we see as bad ideas are merely misinformed, propagandized, brainwashed, perhaps just understood, or maybe…just maaaaybe…they could even be right! You won’t know until you can speak to them on a level of mutual respect as human beings.I don’t write this to preach from some sort of altar. I am guilty of this line of thinking myself at times. Okay- many, many times. It’s easy to have a bad day and take your frustrations out by besmirching some esoteric "other" humanity to blame them for all your ills. It’s one thing for us to have these thoughts in the spur of the moment; in jest, in anger, in frustration. But to hold it is an actual belief is not just unreasonable, it’s psychotic.So let’s all take a breather, and the next time we get the urge to shout “Ugh! People are such idiots!”, say to yourself “If they’re idiots, I’m an idiot. And if I’m an idiot, I shouldn’t even be listening to myself.”(I don’t recommend doing this out loud.)You’ll never advance liberty if other people think you are an idiot. But if you think they are idiots, you can rest assured they will think the same of you.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!