The Morning Roar: Professor Wants Climate Change Deniers Jailed, Russia Will Sanction U.S. Politicians, And Easy Way To Block Your Webcam From Hackers

Professor Wants Climate Change Deniers JailedIf you don't agree that humans are responsible for climate change and the only solution to the problem is sweeping government regulation, then you can go directly to jail! An assistant philosophy professor at Rochester Institute of Technology, Lawrence Torcello, wrote a 900-word-plus essay last week that attacks those who have organized a "campaign funding misinformation." Torcello claims these individuals should be considered "criminally negligent" for their actions.The Daily Caller delved into Professor Torcello's argument.

Throughout the piece, he refers to the bizarre political aftermath of an earthquake in L’Aquila, Italy, which saw six scientists imprisoned for six years each because they failed to “clearly communicate risks to the public” about living in an earthquake zone.“Consider cases in which science communication is intentionally undermined for political and financial gain,” the assistant professor urges.“Imagine if in L’Aquila, scientists themselves had made every effort to communicate the risks of living in an earthquake zone,” Torcello argues, but evil “financiers” of a “denialist campaign” “funded an organised [sic] campaign to discredit the consensus findings of seismology, and for that reason no preparations were made.”“I submit that this is just what is happening with the current, well documented funding of global warming denialism,” Torcello asserts.

The full article can be found at The Conversation. I highly recommend giving it a read in order to fully understand the idiocy of some in the climate change movement.  Torcello's bizarre argument reprimands those that question the science behind climate change. He accuses them of being guilty of criminal negligence by funding denial campaigns in order to benefit financially or politically. Torcello fails to place the same scrutiny on climate change believers. It doesn't take a genius to realize the other side could be equally motivated to fund research in order to make "climate friendly" investments more financially viable.In order to level the playing field, let's eliminate the State from the climate change debate. If the State's influence is removed, neither side can benefit from State protection and the campaigns to misinform would be forced to respond to market forces. They would no longer be able to lean on the State as a crutch.By allowing private property rights to determine how the market regulates environmental issues we would eliminate waste created by the State. In order to learn how a society based on property rights would regulate environmental abusers, please take a listen to this stellar podcast with Wofford College Associate Professor of Economics and Associated Scholar with the Ludwig von Mises Institute, Dr. Timothy Terrell. The conversation touches down on multiple points revolving around economics, libertarian philosophy on environmental issues and private property rights.Russia Will Respond To Sanctions By Leveling Their Own Sanctions On U.S. PoliticiansRussia's Deputy PM laughed at the sanctions levied by the United States against him and other high-ranking Russian officials by calling President Obama "comrade" and asking if "some prankster" came up with the list. If this wasn't embarrassing enough for the U.S. regime, it was followed by Russian President Vladimir Putin's signing of a decree recognizing Crimea as an independent state. This was done despite cries from the E.U. and U.S. not to.Putin is expected to respond to the sanctions against his close political allies by releasing his own retaliatory sanction list. The list is expected to ban top Obama advisers and Senators by mirror the U.S. sanctions.

Putin is expected to release his retaliation list as early as Tuesday and while the final list is still being crafted, it will include top Obama administration officials and high profile U.S. senators, in an effort to roughly mirror the U.S. sanctions against Russian officials and lawmakers, according to diplomatic sources. At the top of the list in Congress is Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin, who recently co-authored a resolution criticizing Russia’s invasion of Crimea.Durbin’s inclusion on Putin’s list would mirror Obama’s naming of Valentina Matvienko, the head of the upper chamber of the Russian Duma. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell are not expected to be on the Russian sanctions list.

Who knows what tomorrow will bring! We are anxiously waiting to see which sociopath will make the next move. The lack of leadership in the White House right now is noticeable. The United States government received their wish with the toppling of former Ukrainian President Viktor F. Yanukovych. The Obama administration certainly was not prepared for the chain of events triggered by change in leadership of Ukraine. If President Obama is thinking clearly, he'll jump on Air Force One and fly over to Putin's turf in order to negotiate a deal where he is able to save face.

People Are Using Your Webcams To Record You – Here Are Some Options To Block ThemThe Libertarian Republic reports on how we can defend ourselves against the surge in hackers taking control of webcams.
In this day and age when privacy is becoming more of a priority for consumers, your options for webcam coverage are vast. The Economic Freedom Foundation has $5 stickers that won’t leave a residue, but if you’re feeling more creative, look no further than Etsy (AKA hipster Mecca). There’s also a C-slide if you often use your webcam to Skype and need quick access.Unfortunately, there’s still no viable option for protecting the internal mic on your mobile phone or computer from someone wishing to record you. Muting the mic doesn’t work because there are ways to unmute it. According to, the best way to thwart would-be spies is to a get a device that acts as a dummy mic. To your computer, it appears as an external microphone, but it will block sound from being picked up. It’s a bit disheartening that we’re having to come up with solutions when we’re at a distinct technological disadvantage.

We  can take solace in the fact that the market will provide services and products that will respond to the demand for secure webcams and microphones. Until we are able to level the technological playing field with webcam hackers let common sense be your guide to keeping your private life private. When in doubt, cover the webcam or turn the computer off.Read The Morning Roar every weekday Monday-Friday!The Lions of Liberty are on Twitter, Facebook & Google+Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!


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