TSA's Latest Reactionary Move a Microcosm of the State

In response to the shooting at Los Angeles Airport of two TSA officers several months ago, the TSA has put forth a request that TSA checkpoints at airports be manned by armed police officers during "peak hours." According to the Associated Press, this was recommended in an internal 25 page report that has now been passed to Congress.For those not informed on the shooting that inspired this:

Paul Ciancia opened fire with an assault rifle in an attack targeting the TSA, authorities said. Two officers and a passenger were wounded.

TSA Officer Gerardo Hernandez was killed, becoming the agency's first line of duty death.

So, in typical reactionist fashion, the state-run TSA has taken a solitary act and is now using that to justify increasing the police force in airports and further intimidating every traveler that chooses to fly. Armed police will assure that all of us know exactly who is in charge - the State. This is all done under the auspices of safer travel, however one isolated attack against a state-run force should not warrant widespread increase in military might. This is an outlier, not a trend. TSA Agent Gerardo Hernandez was the FIRST agent killed in the line of duty.Let's also all ignore the fact that the oppressive, incompetent actions and policies by the TSA were a possible cause of Ciancia's attack in the first place. Further oppressive policies, including police presence, will (in all likelihood) only further antagonize people in Ciancia's mindset.The States's airport policy mirrors its foreign policy - instead of backing off on aggressive actions, the State instead doubles down, assuring that already angry people will become even more enraged and spark them into action. Middle Eastern foreign policy and its direct link to growth in terrorism is an appropriate example. Newton's third law of physics states that "every action there is an equal and opposite reaction." That law also holds true with human nature. I don't support terrorist acts of any sort, but blowback like this is typical in the face of state aggression.It would be nice to see how the reaction to this type of situation would play out in the market. There are already private security forces that have been hired in various airports, replacing the TSA, however they still have to obey DHS mandate. How would they handle this if it was a truly "free" market?In a "free" market environment, airports could opt to adopt the current TSA police-state mentality, or offer a more flyer friendly environment in which violent reactions of this sort may not be instigated. There is also the option of a fully automated system (shocking we haven't arrived there yet) in which passengers upload their luggage, scan licenses or passports, etc., and bypass direct human interaction. Not only would the market reveal which system flyers preferred, but it would also gauge the level of privacy people would be willing to "sacrifice" in exchange for peace of mind when traveling.Being a betting man, I would place a large wager on the airport that has the least intimidating and oppressive flying procedures having the least incidents of violence of this nature. Hopefully this theory will gain a trial in reality very soon.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!


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