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The Morning Roar: U. VA Student Sues State For 40 Million, Man Arrested For Having CO License Plates, and Couple Receives Pre-marked Voter Registration From Covered California

Welcome to your Monday edition of The Morning Roar!University of Virginia Student Sues State For 40 MillionIn July of last year we ran a Felony Friday story that covered the unbelievable circumstances that led to a University of Virginia female student spending a night in jail because she sped away from a grocery store after several armed men approached her vehicle. This is what I wrote nine months ago.

Three University of Virginia female college students were loading their car with water, cookie dough, and ice cream in a grocery store parking lot.  The three girls had just left a “Take Back the Night” event and heard stories from survivors of sexual assaults.  They were buying the water and treats for a fundraiser the next day.Seven men approach the girls’ car in the parking lot.  Each man was carrying a gun and waving unidentifiable badges in their faces.  One man even pulled out his gun and pointed it at the girls.So the girls acted appropriately and got the heck out of there.  The driver, Elizabeth Daly, 20, acted upon her instincts and did the most intelligent thing to protect herself and her friends.  She may have bumped one or two of the men with her vehicle in the panic of leaving a seemingly dangerous situation, but at least the girls were now safe.  Or so they thought.They were heading directly to the police station to notify authorities of the episode when they noticed a police car with flashing blue lights pulling them over.The girls quickly learned that the seven men in the parking lot were actually plainclothes agents of the State who had mistaken the canned water they purchased for beer.

The Richmond Times Dispatch is reporting that the young woman is now suing the state of Virginia and seven agents for 40 Million. The suit alleges Virginia failed to properly train ABC agents. The felony charges against the woman were later dropped and have been expunged from her record.

The suit states that Daly, of Henrico County, “does not and never has consumed alcohol or abused drugs, and/or her parents, on her behalf, have incurred significant legal, medical and other costs, and will continue to do so in the future due to the malicious, intentional, and/or grossly negligent actions of the (d)efendants.” She has a tremor in her right hand, intense anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder and other problems as a result of the April 11 incident, the suit alleges.

I wish this young lady the best of luck in her lawsuit. The dangerous and illegal behavior of the State agents in this case was confirmed by the prosecution dropping the felony charges against Elizabeth Daly.The article does not mention any discipline dished out to the seven ABC State Agents involved, but my prior experience covering stories like this one leads me to believe they are probably still gainfully employed by the State. State agencies are able to act forcefully and aggressively invade people's privacy because they do not have to appease customers. Customer service is not a quality that is required by entities that enjoy a monopoly on force.Man Arrested, Searched For Marijuana Solely For Having Colorado License PlatesA seventy-year-old Washington state man is filing a federal "license plate profiling" lawsuit against an Idaho state trooper. The lawsuit alleges that an Idaho state trooper arrested and searched the man's vehicle solely because he had a Colorado license plate.CBS Seattle provided a summary of the incident that led to the lawsuit.

Darien Roseen was driving along I-84 between his second home in Colorado and Washington state on Jan. 25 when Idaho State Trooper Justin Klitch “immediately” pulled out from the Interstate median and began “rapidly accelerating” to catch up to Roseen, according to the complaint in a  Courthouse News Service report. Exiting at a designated rest area, Roseen says he became “uncomfortable” that Klitch had followed him though he had not “done anything wrong.”After pulling Roseen over, Klitch reportedly failed to explain why he made the stop, although he later said he made the stop because Roseen failed to use his signal when pulling off on the exit, and because he bumped the curb. Klitch rejected Roseen’s reason for pulling into the rest area, telling him, “You didn’t have to go to the bathroom before you saw me … I’m telling you, you pulled in here to avoid me.”The complaint states that Klitch asked Roseen why his eyes “appeared glassy,” while failing to ask him for his proof of insurance, registration, or returning to his vehicle to verify Roseen’s license. He then accused Roseen of “having something in his vehicle that he should not have.”“After Mr. Roseen identified his possession of valid prescription medications, Trooper Klitch asked him, ‘When is the last time you used any marijuana?’ thereby assuming that Mr. Roseen had, in fact, used marijuana and inferring that he had used it recently,” according to the complaint.Klitch repeatedly asked to search Roseen’s vehicle as he accused him of “hiding” something. And when Roseen did not grant him permission, Klitch threatened to bring in a drug-sniffing dog and characterized Roseen’s behavior as “consistent with a person who was hiding something illegal.”Finally consenting to a search of “parts” of the vehicle to get “back on the road faster,” Roseen says that this proved to be a mistake.“When Mr. Roseen opened the trunk compartment, and despite the strong gusts of wind and precipitation that day, Trooper Klitch claimed he could smell the odor of marijuana,” the complaint states. “Mr. Roseen stated that he could not smell the odor of marijuana that Trooper Klitch claimed to be coming from the trunk compartment.”Calling in an additional police officer, Klitch said the aroma gave him cause to search the entire vehicle, and Roseen was detained in the back of Klitch’s vehicle, but was told he was not under arrest despite having been read his Miranda rights.

The police officers ended up driving Mr. Roseen's car to the police station to search it thoroughly. They did not obtain Mr. Roseen's permission drive the car.Roseen’s federal lawsuit alleges that officer Klitch, a second officer Christensen, and the Idaho State Police violated his Fourth, Fifth and 14th Amendment Rights by subjecting him and his vehicle to unjustified justified searches. The state trooper's questions focused on a suspicion that Mr. Roseen was transporting illegal substances and did not relate to alleged impaired driving, the reason the trooper gave for pulling him over.The moral of the story: never let a police officer search your vehicle without a warrant, even if you have "nothing to hide."Local Couple Upset After Receiving Pre-marked Voter Registration Card From Covered CaliforniaA California couple recently received mail from the state's Affordable Care Act Health Care website, Covered California. When they opened it they found a voter registration card that was pre-marked with an "x" in the box next to the Democratic Party. ABC News 10 spoke to the couple about the incident.

The couple – who did not want their identity revealed – received the letter and voter registration card from their health insurance provider Covered California, the state-run agency that implements President Obama's Affordable Care Act.They have lived in La Mesa for years and they have always been registered to vote Republican. Now, they are perplexed as to how the voter registration card pre-marked Democrat ended up in their mailbox.“I'm an old guy and I never would have noticed it, except I have an accountant that notices every dot and dash on a piece of paper as a wife,” said the man who received the mailer.Covered California began mailing out voter signup cards to nearly 4 million enrollees last week after being threatened with a lawsuit by voting rights groups. But that does not explain the pre-filled out voter registration card.

This is a disturbing event, but it is not in the least bit surprising. At least, it provides a utilitarian example as to why the State should not be in the business of providing healthcare.If we continue down the current path, do not be surprised when the State references your voter registration prior to deciding if you qualify for a vital life-saving surgery.I can envision the troubling scene playing out in hospital rooms across America."What's that you're not registered to vote? Sorry, no surgery for you, unless of course you want to check this box and sign here."Gotta love livin' in the land of the free...Read The Morning Roar every weekday Monday-Friday!The Lions of Liberty are on Twitter, Facebook & Google+Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!

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