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The Morning Roar: New IRS Rules Target Bitcoin, AZ Cop Hits Girl For No Reason (Video), and Community Loses Battle With Federal Government Over Ballpark Seating

Welcome to your Tuesday edition of The Morning Roar!New IRS Rules Target BitcoinAccording to an Internal Revenue Service notice last week, the IRS plans to extract taxes from any gains in Bitcoin's value. In order to do this the IRS would force Bitcoin users to keep a record of every Bitcoin transaction.CNN reports on the new hurdles the federal government is throwing at the world's most popular cryptocurrency.

That's problematic for two reasons. The going rate for a Bitcoin fluctuates wildly -- easily by more than $10 a day. And no one diligently records the price of a bitcoin at every purchase."That would obviously create an accounting nightmare for taxpayers and may cause taxpayers to avoid using virtual currency," said Jeffrey Hochberg, a tax attorney in New York.In theory, the IRS could chase after anyone who quietly spends bitcoins that are more valuable than when he or she bought them.For example, you buy a bitcoin for $500. It doubles in value to $1,000. With your more powerful bitcoin, you can now spend it all on a guitar. You enjoyed a $500 gain in Bitcoin value, and you'll need to report that on your tax return.

Those still bullish on Bitcoin claim that the IRS will be unable to enforce these new rules and would be foolish to attempt to do so. They may be right, but I certainly wouldn't advise trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the IRS. The chief confiscators do not take to kindly to individuals that choose to circumvent their ever far-reaching tentacles.You can be sure the IRS won't be the only State agency that tries to skim a share of Bitcoin owner's financial gains. State and local governments will soon be lining up to gather their pound of flesh. Confiscation of Bitcoin profits may prove to be very difficult, but that won't stop the State from trying.For more on Bitcoin check out the Lions of Liberty Podcast with Trace Mayer , author, entrepreneur, monetary scientist and expert on Bitcoin, the intriguing new digital currency. Trace breaks down exactly what a Bitcoin is, the advantages of using Bitcoin over other currencies, and responds to many common criticisms, including those of Gary North and Peter Schiff. Arizona Riot Cop Violently Knocks Girl Over For No ReasonThe Libertarian Republic posted a video uploaded by Phoebe Landolt that shows a riot cop violently assaulting a young lady for no apparent reason. The police were called in to subdue a student riot after the Arizona Wildcats lost their NCAA Tournament game to the Wisconsin Badgers. When the police are called in to control a crowd, the boys in blue all too often end up assuming the role of instigator.The video is posted below. A girl in her late teens or early twenties appears to be walking slowly when an officer comes out of nowhere to crosscheck the young lady with a club across the chest. The incident takes place at the twenty-two second mark in the video. someone was able to get this animal on video assaulting a defenseless young lady. This is more evidence that proves how important a cell phone camera can be in holding police officers accountable for their behavior. Always be ready to record a video, it could end up saving someone's life.Community Is Forced By U.S. Education's Department for Civil Rights To Remove Seating From BallparkFox News 2 Detroit reports on the federal government forcing a community to remove fan seating from a baseball park, because the seating at the softball field is not of the same quality.

A new set of seating is being torn down outside the Plymouth Wildcats varsity boys' baseball field, not long before the season begins, because the fields for boys' and girls' athletics must be equal.A group of parents raised money for a raised seating deck by the field, as it was hard to see the games through a chain-link fence. The parents even did the installation themselves, and also paid for a new scoreboard.But, after a complaint, the U.S Education Department's Office for Civil Rights investigated the new addition and says it must be torn down. It says the facility was no longer equal to the girls' softball field next door, which has old bleachers and an old scoreboard.The school agreed to take the seats down after receiving a citation. The seating was also not handicapped accessible.

This story highlights the problem with public property and school districts accepting federal funds. The property the fields are located on is not private property. Therefore, every tax payer in the community could claim to have "ownership" of the baseball and softball fields. In reality, the government owns the fields. The government is supposed to represent "everybody" we see the problem here?As a public school, the high school must obey the ruling dictated by the U.S. Education Department's Office of Civil Rights. This is a dangerous overreach by the federal government into a local community.If the feds can dictate seating at baseball games, where does their egalitarian mandate end?Read The Morning Roar every weekday Monday-Friday!The Lions of Liberty are on Twitter, Facebook & Google+Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!

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