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The Morning Roar: Cops Pull Guns on Treehouse-Building Fifth Graders, TSA Bars A Mute Stroke Victim From Flight & China Says No To Stimulus

Georgia Cops Pull Guns on Treehouse-Building Fifth GradersIn an insane case of overreaction by law enforcement, police in Georgia were called by a local resident to investigate some 5th grade children who were playing in the woods behind their homes and building a tree fort. Naturally they approached yelling curses and with a firearm drawn. From the local news:

Omari told Diamant that two officers, one with his gun drawn, rolled up on him and a few of his friends as they built a fort in the trees behind his home."I was thinking that I don't want to be shot today, so I just listened to what they said," Omari said.Omari said the officer holding his gun also used foul language and made him and his friends lay down on the ground.

I shudder to think what the psychopathic police officer - "keepers of the peace" - would have done if these kids hadn't reacted so calmly. What if they tried to run? What if one of them started to advance with a saw blade or hammer without thinking? We'd could be discussing a dead child right now, because this overzealous tool of the State drew his gun on 5th graders (average height: 4'8"-4'10" and roughly 80lbs) who were simply doing what children have been doing for decades and building a fort in the woods.The local police department hasn't released the name of the officer who drew the gun yet, but I sincerely hope he's relived of his duties immediately.TSA Bars Mute, Wheelchair-bound Stroke Victim From FlightAnother day, another black eye for the TSA, which seems to have a monopoly on hiring people with no concept of common decency, logic or rationality. Just a couple days previously, a woman was at Los Angeles International Airport (the local hub for Marc Clair and I) with her sister to travel back to Arizona. Her sister is wheelchair bound and mute from the effects of a stroke. You can guess where this story goes from here.

The problems began when Heidi, who was left wheelchair-bound and unable to speak or write after a stroke a decade ago, was stopped by the Transportation Security Administration due to an expired driver’s license, CNN reported.Wright claims the TSA agent was rude and insensitive, insisting Heidi talk.“I showed her ID, her (Social Security card) and her DMV papers,” Wright said, to no avail.“I was just standing there, tears were coming out and I was like, ‘Are you serious? We can’t get her to talk.’”

The sisters were forced to take an 8 hour bus ride home to Arizona instead, having now wasted money on the plane tickets and with a new expense for bus tickets.Was the TSA apologetic after this horrible incident? Of course, but in the way only government monopolies can be.

“I think it could have been handled differently by the TSA and it probably could have been handled differently by the family, and hopefully moving forward the family won’t have this problem again, because they know about the programs that we have in place,” Melendez said.

Do you think? Do you think it could have been handled differently by the TSA? Maybe...better? Maybe by not embarrassing a stroke victim and forcing her to ride on a bus for 8 hours over an accidental expired license (for which they brought ample backup identification)? Probably. Probably could have. But of course it's the family's fault and I'm sure they won't try to fly with an expired license again for the mute, crippled stroke victim who can't order her own ID even if she tried. At least they didn't strip search her.China Says No to "Forceful Stimulus Measures" Look at China! This is the second time this week I've given them kudos. This time it's a tip of the cap to China Premier Li Keqiang, who has said "BU (no)!" to new stimulus cash being injected into China's economy. Instead, he's taking a more rational approach to benefit the country in the long run.

Li stressed on Thursday that job creation was the government' policy priority, telling an investment forum on the southern island of Hainan that it did not matter if growth came in a little below the official target of 7.5 percent."We will not take, in response to momentary fluctuations in economic growth, short-term and forceful stimulus measures," Li said in a speech."We will instead focus more on medium- to long-term healthy development."

Granted, governments shouldn't be involved in job creation at all (US job creation via government during our last stimulus cost taxpayers $312,000 per job to Zerohedge's estimate), but how about Li actually letting the market play itself out and work to fix its own issues without falsely creating monetary bubbles via stimulus? What a novel concept! First the Chinese anti-poverty campaign head says that people need to work for their own success instead of relying on government, and now China's Premier is extending that concept all the way into the big time with the economy. China, you're looking pretty sexy these days!

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