The Morning Roar: NJ Students “Shelter In Place” As Cops Look For Drugs, Feds Confiscate Tax Refund To Pay Relative’s 50 Year Old Debt, And Disabled Boy Convicted For Recording Bullies Tormenting Him

Welcome to the Monday edition of The Morning Roar!NJ Students “Shelter In Place” As Cops Look For DrugsLehigh Valley Live is reporting on a drug raid that occurred last Friday at Hackettstown High School, New Jersey. Students were asked to "shelter in place" as police officers using K-9 teams searched through their personal belongings.

Working with the Warren County Prosecutor's Office and using K-9 teams and personnel from police departments in Hackettstown, Independence Township, Washington Township, Morris County, and South Plainfield, N.J., the school was searched while students remained at their desks from 8:30 until about 11 a.m., when the operation was cleared, he said.It's the second year in a row that a random search was performed, Mango said, and officials are still working out kinks in the effort. The student handbook, he said, allows for such searches, he said.

Two days after the tragic stabbings at a Pennsylvania high school, the police in Hackettstown New Jersey thrust students into a frightening situation. There was no threat against the school, but imagine the fear the students felt as they were forced to "shelter in place" for two-and-a-half hours. It has not been reported if the students were told why they were being forced to stay in their classrooms, but the fact that the police used these tactics is out of line.It was incredibly inappropriate for the police in Hackettstown to hold a "drug raid" using the same tactics, "shelter in place," that are normally reserved for emergency situations. There was absolutely nothing emergent about the raid conducted at the high school. Additionally, the raid itself was unconstitutional, because it violated the Fourth Amendment .

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

It is despicable that both the school and town were willing to disobey the "law of the land" by staging a grandiose drug raid. Teaching kids that they have no expectation to privacy and that they can be detained without committing a crime is immoral and criminal. The police didn't catch any criminals during the illegal drug raid, because the only individuals breaking the law were those executing the raid.Feds Confiscate Tax Refund To Pay Relative’s 50 Year Old DebtThe State owns your income and don't you forget it. An employee at the Food and Drug Administration, Mary Grice, is learning that lesson the hard way. CBS News reports that the U.S. Treasury has confiscated her $4,500 tax refund in order to pay a fifty year old debt with the federal government.

Two months ago, Mary Grice, a career employee at the Food and Drug Administration, was notified the U.S. Treasury had confiscated her state and federal tax refunds totaling $4,500.The government had taken the money before she knew there was a problem."To be honest, I was ticked off," Grice said. "I'm like 'how can they intercept or take my funds without my first being notified about it?'"The claim against her came from the Social Security Administration which said it overpaid death benefits to Mary's family after her father Scott Grice died in 1960. Mary was five years old. In other words, without notice and for a debt that was not hers, the government had her refund seized anyway.

When examining the facts of the story, the U.S. Treasuries' claim to the funds "owed" by Mary Grice seems ridiculous. That is until you review the text of the Sixteenth Amendment.

The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.

The amendment means that you do not own your income. The federal government does and they allow you to keep what they see fit. If you disagree and believe that you own your income stream, then please answer why the U.S. Treasury charges a penalty for income taxes not paid quarterly, when withholding is not utilized? The State believes the income is theirs, not yours. If you want to test the State's claim, then try not paying your taxes or not paying the interest on debts to the State. A man with a badge and a gun will show up at your door. Guaranteed.Disabled Boy Convicted For Recording Bullies Tormenting HimA disabled boy used his iPad to  record other students bullying him in an attempt to convince his mother of the degree to which he was subjected to bullying during school hours. The boy's mother turned the audio from the a classroom bullying incident, which her son had recorded, over to the school district as evidence. The school district made the boy delete the recording from his iPad, then notified the police of the situation. Unfortunately, this resulted Lieutenant Robert Kurta charging the boy with felony wiretapping because he made the recording in a place where there was an expectation of privacy. Inquisitr reports on a disturbing story out of Pennsylvania.

Unfortunately, the school also deleted the evidence off of the iPad, but Mrs. Love, who is an Air Force morse code operator, transcribed the seven-minute audio. The teacher in the classroom is heard attempting to help the boy with a math problem and one of the bullies is heard saying, “You should pull his pants down!” Another bully replies, “No, man. Imagine how bad that (c**t) smells! No one wants to smell that (t**t).” The teacher attempts to get the other students to settle down but then a loud sound is heard, which the boy claimed was the sound of a book being slammed down after one bully mimed hitting him in the head with it. As the boys laugh, the teacher yells at them and the guilty bully responds, “What? I was just trying to scare him!”After Mrs. Love submitted the recorded evidence to the principal of South Fayette High School, the administrators called police, but not before they made the boy delete the recording. Lieutenant Robert Kurta then charged the boy with the crime of felony wiretapping because he made the recording in a place where there was an expectation of privacy. They then attempted to interrogate her “visibly distraught” son.

The court charges were reduced, but the disabled boy was still found guilty and convicted of disorderly conduct for the recording. Pennsylvania is one of twelve states that requires both parties' consent when making a recording. The boy's lawyer is appealing the conviction on the grounds that the recording served a legitimate purpose.It is disturbing that a disabled boy can be convicted of recording bullies due to an expectation to privacy, but police officers in Hackettstown, NJ are able to go through student's personal belongings without a warrant. The police officers in that constitutional violation did not have the consent of those searched or a warrant, yet the cops that conducted the drug raid will never face charges.Read The Morning Roar every weekday Monday-Friday!The Lions of Liberty are on TwitterFacebook & Google+Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!

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