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The Morning Roar: IRS Fining Business On Taxes Never Due, Teacher Suspended For "Dangerous" Science Project, and Ron Paul Group Defies IRS

Welcome to your Wednesday edition of The Morning Roar! After yesterday's "police state" theme, today we have a running theme of "taxes", just a day after every single American had to make sure they properly reported their income to the IRS.  Everyone loves taxes, right?!IRS Fining Business On Taxes That Were Never DueThat pesky IRS is always up to new tricks! WKMG out of Orlando has a story detailing how the IRS has doled out a hefty fine to a business in the form of a late fee on a tax payment. Now it's bad enough that we have to keep track of our income and every income-related expense to help the government pillage our hard-earned fiat dollars, and even worse that we have to pay late fees if we don't quite get around to it on their preferred timeline. But what makes this particular late feee even worse is that it is being issued on taxes that were never due! The full story from WKMG below:So let's get this straight. Innovative Title Services did send the IRS $157,500 8 days late but it was in error, and the IRS accordingly returned the money. Sounds like a done deal, but not in this wild and wacky world we live in. Instead, Michael Day was still slammed with nearly $20,000 in late fees on a bill that the IRS admits was never due in the first place. This is more than a simple bureaucratic error, as the IRS has been going after this fee for nearly a year.The IRS serves as the governments' enforcer of it's claims over the fruits of your labor, and by extension, your entire life. Businesses are forced to serve as accountants on behalf of the federal government; not only forced to do their own books but often to collect state and local sales taxes to boot. And then, even when you do everything right, may still be arbitrarily slapped with a fine considered unjust even in this unjust system.What will these IRS goons do next? (Hold that'll find out soon...) Teacher Suspended for "Dangerous" Science ProjectThe weird gets weirder when it comes to crazy things happening in our nation's public schools. In a story from my own backyard that passed me by last week (I was probably too flustered trying to get my taxes together...and there's your tie in!), the Los Angeles Unified School District has suspended a teacher after two of his students turned in project that could fire projectiles of some kind. The LA Times reports: 

One project used compressed air to propel a small object, but it was not connected to a source of air pressure, so it could not have been fired. (In 2012, President  Obama tried out a more powerful air-pressure device at a  White House Science Fair that could launch a marshmallow 175 feet.)Another project used the power from an AA battery to charge a tube surrounded by a coil. When the ninth-grader proposed it, Schiller told him to be more scientific, to construct and test different coils and to draw graphs and conduct additional analysis, said the student's parents, who also are Los Angeles teachers.A school employee saw the air-pressure project and raised concerns about what looked to her like a weapon, according to the teachers union and supporters. Schiller, who said he never saw either completed project except in photos, was summoned and sent home.

This type of scenario is seemingly becoming rampant in our society today, both in and out of public schools. People are being conditioned to panic at the sign of anything that might even resemble a "weapon", seemingly ignorant of the natural and Constitutional to carry whatever object one chooses as long as they do not use it in an aggressive act against others.In this case, the teacher Mr. Schiller was not even carrying a weapon, nor something resembling a weapon - he was simply helping his students with a science project as any other teacher would. And yet, his actions have been deemed so dangerous that he has been kept out of school for the past six weeks. And if that weren't enough, it's affecting Mr. Schiller's students who are attempting to get Advanced Placement credits for college.

Students in Schiller's classes are concerned about Advanced Placement exams for college credit in May.“The class is now essentially a free period,” said 17-year-old psychology student Liana Kleinman. “The sub does not have a psych background and can’t help us with the work.”Schiller initially prepared lesson plans for the substitute, but the district in an email directed him to stop.“This is really hurting my students more than anything else,” Schiller said in an interview. “I would never do anything to set up a situation where a student could be harmed.”He also coaches the school’s fencing team, and administrators have determined the team cannot compete safely without Schiller in charge.

AP exams and fencing teams both in jeopardy due to projects his students were working on and hadn't even completed? In this case, there may actually be some an underlying motive behind Schiller's suspension:

Schiller, 43, also was the teachers union representative on the campus and had been dealing with disagreements with administrators over updating the employment agreement under which the faculty works. His suspension, with pay, removed him from those discussions.

Conspiracy Alert! So now we have a staff member being paid to not work, a substitute teacher being paid to babysit, advanced science students that may now have to spend more money on college credits if they can't complete their AP exam, and a fencing team without its coach. And this is all likely due to some combination of internal school politics and an overreacting parent serving up the perfect "danger!" excuse.Situations like this could be much more easily corrected if we lived in a society where local governmental organizations such as the LAUSD, along with the teachers unions, did not cartelize the education industry. Sure, private schools exist and are allowed to operate (with government supervision of course), but they are at a decided disadvantage as all property owners are forced to pay for the public schools, so those choosing private alternatives essentially have to pay twice. For the vast majority of families, local public schools are seen as the only affordable option to get their children an education.As long as the LAUSD and similar education cartels control are ceded so much power over our nation's schools, expect the madness to continue.Ron Paul Group To Defy the IRS's Order To Disclose Donor InformationYup, the IRS is at it again - in the very same Morning Roar! But its a busy time of year for these guys. Not only are they busy collecting taxes and levying late fees for taxes that were never due, but they are also out trying to round up information on donors who have made political contributions! In this case in particular, the target is Campaign for Liberty, the political group founded by Ron Paul after his 2008 Presidential campaign.Campaign for Liberty has already been levied a fine for refusing to reveal the names of its donors. Providing donor information is technically required by for 501(c)(4) political groups, but it is rarely enforced and Campaign for Liberty's Communications Director Megan Stiles has a good explanation for why they feel it is important to protect their donors' information.

There is no legitimate reason for the IRS to know who donates to Campaign for Liberty.The IRS technically requires donor information from 501(c)(4) organizations and is forbidden by law from releasing it to the public, yet despite this they have ‘mistakenly’ released the information repeatedly over the years,” she wrote. “Often these leaks have been made to political opponents of the conservative groups whose information was leaked. Leaking the donor information is intended to harass and to intimidate those donors from donating to political causes. Campaign for Liberty has refused to provide donor information to the IRS to protect the privacy of our members. Now the IRS has demanded the information and fined Campaign for Liberty for protecting its members’ privacy.

The IRS can clearly not be trusted, whether it is with donor information or with simply following its own rules in regards to fines and late fees. Campaign for Liberty is right to take this stance against the IRS's intrusion. Political donations should be considered an extension of free speech, and their is no legitimate reason for the IRS to need to know why donates to specific institutions.Just remember, C4L donors: Now part of your donation will likely be going to pay off the IRS to protect your privacy.I'll leave you with this statement from Ron Paul on the matter:

Privacy and liberty go hand-in-hand.In fact, when Thomas Paine published his pamphlet  Common Sense in 1776, he did so anonymously.Forcing organizations like Campaign for Liberty to publicize donor information would have an incredibly chilling effect on political speech.Many liberty-loving Americans would silence themselves for fear of becoming targets of political ‘retribution.’

I don't always agree with the direction of the Campaign for Liberty organization, one which I indirectly helped fund with my early donations to Ron Paul in 2008 (let's face it, I gave up my political anonymity long ago...), but I applaud their courageous stance on this issue.Read The Morning Roar every weekday Monday-Friday!The Lions of Liberty are on TwitterFacebook & Google+Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!

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