The Morning Roar: Ukraine "Jew Registration" A Myth, FBI Spooking Around Gun Stores, and an Update on Glacier Retreat

Welcome to the Friday edition of The Morning Roar!Ukraine "Jew Registration" a MythWe lead off your Friday Morning Roar by debunking a story that took the nation by storm today, led by the propagandist, White House cuddling, non-fact-checking, alarmist media: the furor over the reported demands that Ukrainian Jews "register" in the pro-Russian Eastern cities. Thank goodness Jason Ditz of came through to save the day and cut through the offal that the Mainstream Media has been throwing out (which was backed by the US State Department).

Determined not to let a good piece of rhetoric go to waste just because it was untrue and discredited nearly 24 hours ago, Western media outlets are running frenzied stories about Jews in the protester-held Eastern Ukraine cities being forced to register, providing a new chance to make World War 2 comparisons, and advancing the US narrative that the Russians, and not the “pro-West” protesters with swastika stickers on their helmets, are the “real anti-semites.”The leadership of the self-proclaimed People’s Republic of Donetsk insist the official looking leaflets are fakes, and the signature of one of their leaders a forgery, designed to discredit the protest movement. The putative Jew registration service simply doesn’t exist, and Ukrainian Jews who show up at the government building expecting to have to pay a $50 “registration fee” are wasting their time.

Naturally, the government will use anything they can to discredit Russia and build up the Daily Hate. And why bother fact-checking, seeing how use of government propaganda against its own citizens is legal now?FBI Visits Gun Shop to Check Up on ‘People Talking About Big Government'Activist Post‘s Brandon Turbeville has a report citing an interesting and disturbing experience a witness at a local gun shop in Columbia, S.C. had with a plain clothes FBI agent:

"While government surveillance of gun purchases and gun owners is nothing new, a recent visit by an FBI Counterterrorism agent to a Columbia, S.C. gun shop has only reinforced the knowledge that the U.S. government is growing more and more concerned by the prospect of a well-armed populace – particularly one that prefers to live without constant government interference in their personal lives.”The Activist Post reported that the Columbia, S.C. gun shop was approached by an FBI counter terrorism agent on Monday, April 14. “The individuals who spoke with him were somewhat alarmed to realize that the agent’s concern was not fundamentalist Muslims but American who promote small government.”

The agent also left behind a flyer with the following "red flags" that may trigger FBI action:

  • Paying in cash or someone else’s credit card,
  • Being reluctant or unwilling to produce valid I.D.,
  • Making large purchases or unusual inquiries into buying in bulk,
  • Lacking knowledge involved in firearms or product usage,
  • Making hints at illegal or misuse of explosives,
  • Being a new or unknown customers,
  • And appearing nervous or evasive.

I can't wait to be investigated by the FBI for being interested in becoming a first time gun owner and by virtue of that, lacking advanced knowledge about firearms. Even thinking about a gun will likely be a federal offense soon.New Study Show Glaciers Haven't Retreated Since 1950 You may recall the very popular cause of saving the polar bears (the population of which is not in danger and has been stable for years) and of course all of the worry about glacier melt and retreating ice. A new research paper has revealed that glacier retreat has actually been decelerating since 1950, which flies in the face of global warming science, as most recent hard facts have. From The Global Warming Policy Foundation (and The Hockey Schtick):

A paper published today in The Cryosphere studies glacier length data available worldwide since 1800 and finds that glaciers retreated faster during the first half of the 20th century than the second half from 1950-2000. This is the opposite pattern that would be expected if man-made greenhouse gases were the cause, and suggests a natural origin.Most warmists and the IPCC claim man-made greenhouse gases did not begin to affect climate until after 1950, and thus can’t be blamed for the fastest rate of glacier retreat from ~1850-1950 and subsequent deceleration. The authors find glaciers showed little change in length during the latter part of the Little Ice Age 1800-1850, but following the end of the Little Ice Age in ~1850 most began a relatively rapid retreat that began to decelerate after ~1950. The data shows that calving glaciers [red lines in fig 10a below] reversed to a net advancing trend after ~2001, and that the number of calving glaciers [fig 10b below] has sharply decreased from ~99% to 50% since the year 2000.

I personally have wandered back and forth in the "debate" on global warming, opting to find as many facts as possible before making an informed opinion on the topic. The "debate" has been co-opted and is now a strong-armed, politically & monetarily driven pro-warming majority, which operates with no regard for actual scientific theory.This may not bother me so much if it weren't affecting economic policy the world over;  however it's already had drastic impacts on Germany and other EU nations, who have become vastly less attractive to industry due to skyrocketing fuel costs from these carbon-reducing measures.If man made global warming exists, and it might (but we don't know - that is a fact), there needs to be far more evidence, research and time before free individuals choose to make changes that can alter the methods by which energy is consumed in the world. Only a free market can properly allocate energy resources and account for any damages that may be caused by "carbon emissions."Read The Morning Roar every weekday Monday-Friday!The Lions of Liberty are on TwitterFacebook & Google+Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!

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