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The Morning Roar: 87% Of Web Spying By Governments, GA Gun Bill Gives Expansive Rights, and New Law Bans Obama From Entering USA

Verizon Report: 87% of All Online Spying Is Done By Governments That headline pretty much says it all, and it's not exactly shocking, is it? Despite the promises made by the movie Hackers (which we can all agree is a 90s classic), widespread hack-attacks via ISDN lines by you, me and our gang of motorcycle riding cyberpunks have not taken the mainstream world by storm and hacker gangs are still fairly limited. That means that the majority of the phishing, hacking and spying is being undertaken by governments the world over.  From the Telegraph (UK):

The latest annual Data Breach Investigations Report by Verizon Communications reveals that there has been a three-fold increase in cyber espionage since the last report was published in April 2013.

Of the 511 spying incidents recorded, 87 per cent were conducted by "state-affiliated actors" (governments), as opposed to 11 per cent by organised criminal groups.
China and other East Asian nations were identified as the origin of 49 percent of espionage attacks while Eastern European countries were suspected to be the origin of 21 percent of the attacks. Some 25 percent of spying incidents could not be attributed to attackers from any country, according to Verizon.

Hackers-era Angelina Jolie is unimpressed. The rest of us are just unsurprised.


New Georgia Bill Gives Expansive Rights to Gun OwnersGeorgia Governor Nathan Deal (R-Ga.) has proposed the legalization of House Bill 60, which seeks to extend the rights of gun owners beyond anything existing in a current state anywhere in the country.

Under the new bill, police officers will not be allowed to ask someone to present a license if they are carrying a firearm; schools will have the option to choose to arm teachers and administrators; guns will now be allowed in many government buildings, bars and churches.While Georgia lawmakers have opened up the ability to carry guns throughout the state, they will still not be allowed in the capitol building.While the law no longer requires firearms dealers from having a state license, it will require Georgia to send reports to the National Instant Criminal Background System if people are involuntary hospitalized or deemed a threat. This organization could then strip someone of his or her right to own a gun.

It's long been statistically observed that more lax gun laws actually lead to lower deaths by firearm the world over and this in-depth article further disproves any correlation between gun laws and low crime/death rates. It will be telling to see how Georgia reacts to this bill, and the statistics that come out of the state after a few months.On the flipside, the largely anti-gun mainstream media and anti-gun groups will be watching equally closely for any instances that they can use to their advantage, as they do with any tragedy involving firearms. We have to have faith in the historical precedent set where gun rights are respected, and believe that this move will lead to more states adopting Georgia's stance on gun control and allowance of firearms in public places.Story via RareObama Signs Law Banning Himself From Entering The USThis headline (taken with love from cracked me up and the story that follows it brings both smiles and frowns to my face in alternating waves. Simon Black over at The Sovereign Man details how Obama has inked into law a bill that:

...aims to “deny admission to the United States to any representative to the United Nations who has been found to have been engaged in espionage activities or a terrorist activity against the United States and poses a threat to United States national security interests.”

Simon naturally makes the leap in logic in identifying exactly who this bill could apply to: one Barack Obama, President of these United States.

Gee, let’s think for a moment– who has been engaging in espionage against the United States? Anyone?Ah, right. The US government. Mr. Obama himself. The entire US intelligence network. They’ve all been engaging in espionage against the United States, especially its citizens.But let us not forget, the law also bars entry for folks who have engaged in terrorist activity against the United States.The government has awarded itself the power to hold people indefinitely without trial under military detention, assassinate US citizens by drone attacks, or use tax authorities to harrass political opposition groups.

Everyone loves a good dose of irony on a Friday. Maybe Obama can find refuge somewhere while he fixes this conundrum. Now where do enemies of the United States find refuge, where they can still pipe in via Satellite? I know, Russia! Obama, get Putin on the phone and see if you can get asylum, ASAP.Read The Morning Roar every weekday Monday-Friday!The Lions of Liberty are on TwitterFacebook & Google+Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!

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