The Morning Roar: Microstamping of Guns In NY, Freddie Mac goes into Trailer Homes, and Obama Admin Strips Bill Language Requiring Disclosure of Drone Kills

Anti-Gun Group in NY Pushing for Microstamping of GunsA NY anti-gun group, "New Yorkers Against Gun Violence" is stamping their feet angrily and demanding that any guns sold in NY State include what is referred to as "microstamping" in order to be sold. Microstamping imprints shell casings with a code unique to the weapon that fired it with every round used.As Guns Save Lives points out, this would be tantamount to banning all guns, since virtually no gun manufacturers offer this technology.  They also quote from the group's website, which will give us all a good chuckle:

Microstamping technology stamps a unique code onto shell casings every time a semi-automatic pistol is fired. The semi-automatic pistol is the gun criminals use most and the unique code provides an easy-to-follow link back to the original purchaser of the weapon. Police officers and forensics experts use shell casings found at crime scenes to help identify suspects but without microstamping their results are very limited. Without modern forensic tools like microstamping, law enforcement is hamstrung in trying to solve gun crimes. And without the ability to solve gun crimes, thousands of violent gun-toting criminals remain on the streets of New York with their guns, putting us all at risk.

I can't get over the logic disconnect that anti-gun advocates have when it comes to legal vs. illegal firearms, and firearms used by criminals. Do they really think that "violent gun-toting criminals" buy guns over the counter from their local gun mart? No, of course not. They are under the table, stolen weapons - so this would only penalize legal, law abiding owners of guns. Ridiculous.Freddie Mac Gets Into the Trailer Home BusinessAs we who appreciate Austrian economic theory know, Keynesian economic applications continue to create housing bubbles (and we're in the middle of another one right now!), meaning everyday Americans can't afford houses. So, what's a government to do? Get into trailer homes! I'm going to leave this up to LibertyBlitzKrieg to explain further. Quick excerpt, and a link to take you deeper into the story:

I can’t say this is surprising. After all, with average peasants, I mean citizens, now priced out of the domestic housing market (Zillow recently showed 1 in 3 homes are unaffordable) due to billionaire financiers and foreign oligarchs buying up all real estate in cash purchases, American serfs now will find out where the “elites” think they belong. In trailer homes, naturally.Oh, but the story gets better, a lot better. As is generally the case in the USSA these days, crony capitalist oligarchs have perfectly positioned themselves to benefit financially from the final transition of Americans to neo-feudalism. Recall that in my post from last October titled, Carlyle Group’s Latest Investment…Trailer Parks, it was noted that trailer park owners share the following attractive quality:Our customers have no alternative shot at homeownership, nor do they [normally] even have the credit scores and quality to seek anything better…They never leave the park they are in, and the revenues are unbelievably stable as a result.

Full article here. Obama Administration Strips Bill of Language Requiring Disclosure Of Annual Drone Kills Obama's love of drone attacks continues unabated, and he will strip any bill that dares to get in his way bare! James R. Clapper, the director of national intelligence, objected that disclosing annual drone kill figures to the public, as required by an Intelligence bill created last year, would undermine the effectiveness of the operations.The only way this could possible undermine the effectiveness of the operations would be by the public expressing outrage at the number of drone attacks in the name of the "war on terror." A war which is undeclared, off the official budget and possibly still targeting domestic American citizens without bothering with a trial. No wonder they object. From the NY TImes:

The provision, passed by the Senate Intelligence Committee last year as part of its authorization bill, required Mr. Obama to make public an annual report on “the total number of combatants killed or injured during the preceding year by the use of targeted lethal force outside the United States by remotely piloted aircraft.” The provision was the same for civilians killed or injured. But officials said that the provision encountered almost immediate resistance both from intelligence officials and Republican lawmakers, some who have fought against any changes to the way the targeted killing program has been managed.

After Clapper and the Administration rattled their sabers, the Senate tucked their tails between their cowardly legs, let the interests of the public they are supposed to represent fall to the wayside and forwarded the power of the State by stripping out the offending requirement. Heroes, all.Read The Morning Roar every weekday Monday-Friday!The Lions of Liberty are on TwitterFacebook & Google+Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!

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