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The Morning Roar: Obama Court Nominee Wrote Memos Justifying Drone Strikes on Americans, and Record # of Libertarian Candidates In VA

Here's your Thursday edition of The Morning Roar!Obama Court Nominee Wrote Memos Justifying Drone Strikes on AmericansThe big story is that one of Obama's nominees for the federal appeals court is one of his favorite lackeys. It's easy to get into the President's good graces - simply write a paper defending the use of drone attacks against Americans and you're good as gold!From the Washington Times:

Harvard Law School scholar  David Barron is an Obama administration nominee for a federal appeals court. He is also the author of government memos that make legal justifications for killing U.S. citizens overseas with drone strikes, which is why his selection to the U.S. First Circuit Court of Appeals has been delayed.The White House has agreed to allow lawmakers to review at least one of the drone memos after U.S. senators and the the  American Civil Liberties Union expressed concerns, technology website Ars Technica  reported Wednesday.

Well, thanks for allowing our lawmakers to read documents written in favor of murdering our own citizens without trial! #ThanksObama

The organization (The ACLU) said the memos “written or signed by  Mr. Barron helped form the purported legal foundation for a large-scale killing program that has resulted in, as Senator Lindsey Graham, South Carolina Republican, stated last year, as many as 4,700 deaths by drone attacks, including the deaths of four American citizens …”  Ars Technica reported.

The Obama/drone love connection continues unabated. It's reached levels that could be labeled ridiculous. This nomination is an insult to every American.Record Number of Libertarians Running for Office In Virginia And now some good news! Virginia is a hot bed of libertarianism. From WTVR:

Tuesday night the Libertarian Party 3rd District held their convention at The Robin Inn on Park Avenue.  Enroughty said that Justin Upshaw received the nomination for the district, which means he will run against Congressman Bobby Scott.Upshaw became the tenth Libertarian hoping to get on the 2014 Virginia ballot –so far, that is. The 9th District convention will be held Saturday, May 17, in Radford.

You have to like those odds! Here are the names of those running:

God speed, boys!Read The Morning Roar every weekday Monday-Friday!The Lions of Liberty are on TwitterFacebook & Google+Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!

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