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The Morning Roar: FBI to Investigate Bundy Supporters, Citizen's Arrest on Man Legally Concealing Firearm?, and Greenwald to Reveal Who the NSA Spies On

Welcome to your Thursday edition of The Morning Roar!FBI Launches Investigation of Bundy SupportersAccording to a video from 8 News Now out of Las Vegas, the FBI is launching an investigation into “death threats, intimidation, and possible weapons violations" regarding the standoff between Cliven Bundy and his supporters and the Bureau of Land Management last month.  The full video is below:I will presume that the irony of Metro Police feeling that they needed to intervene specifically to "“protect the lives of federal employees from the 400 or so Bundy supports and armed militia members" is not lost on much of the readership of this site. The aggressors in this case were clearly the Bureau of Land Management, who stole much of Bundy's cattle and arrived at his ranch attempting to steal more of them.Metro Police Sgt. Tom Jenkins described the scene he witnessed at the Bundy Ranch:

It is not a rumor. When we first got out there and made a left to divide I-15, that is all you saw. You saw kids and women and horses in the backdrop and then men with guns, laying on the ground, in the back of pickup trucks. We’re going, ‘wow, this would never happen in Las Vegas,’ But it was there. That is not a rumor. It is reality and I saw it with my own eyes.

Kids, women, and horses, oh my!It's very fortunate that the Bundy Ranch standoff did not escalate into violence. What's unfortunate is that the FBI will now look to harass people who have aggressed upon noone, but rather were trying to counteract aggression from another federal agency.The lesson remains: While often commendable, it is always a dangerous move to directly confront the government.H/Ts to for the storyCitizen's Arrest on Man Legally Concealing FirearmWe now turn to a video posted on Liveleak of a Seattle man screaming bloody murder at  a peaceful citizen, who happens to be (legally) carrying a concealed firearm.The "concerned citizen" screams "This man has a weapon! This man has...a pistol!" The horror!Many in our society have been brainwashed to believe that anyone that carries a weapon is a criminal, and this mentality often carries over even to places where it is perfectly legal to carry said weapons. This mentality of course does not apply to anyone wearing a government badge, such as a police officer of solider.In a private property society, there would be no overriding laws concerning gun ownership. It is simply any man's natural right to carry any object he so chooses, for his defense or otherwise. The act of carrying a weapon does not violate the rights of other individuals, and therefore should not be considered a crime.By the same token, private property owners could certainly restrict what they would allow others who enter their property to carry. It's quite possible we would still see many "gun-free zones" in a private property society, and individuals would be free to choose whether to enter those areas carrying their firearms, or whether to leave the gun at home and go see a movie in a gun free zone. Though I do suspect that without such heavy anti-gun propaganda - a great deal of which stems from our politicians and law enforcement officials such as Eric Holder - we would see far less restrictions on the personal carrying of weapons.Glenn Greenwald to Reveal Who the NSA Spies OnEarlier this week the heroic Glenn Greenwald, he of the famous Edward Snowden NSA spying revelations, appeared on The Colbert Report to discuss his new book, No Place to Hide: Edward Snowden, the NSA, and the U.S. Surveillance Statewhich will reveal even more information regarding the NSA's worldwide spying operation. During the interview, Greenwald mentioned a story he is working on that he believes will have the "biggest impact" regarding the Snowden revelations. This story will detail exactly who has been the subject of NSA spying. According to Greenwald:

Who are they targeting, for what purposes? Who are these people that they are declaring to be sufficient threats that it warrants reading their e-mails? And what is the pattern of people that they’ve targeted? Are these political dissidents, are they critics of U.S. foreign policy, are they actual terrorists? And that’s the reporting that needs to be done?

Greenwald may have given a clue through his rhetorical questions mentioning "political dissidents" and "critics of U.S. foreign policy." These are the type of people that have routinely been the subject of government spying in the past, so it certainly seems logical to presume that those controlling the new surveillance apparatus at the NSA would seek out similar individuals to spy upon.Check out my interview with John Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute where he details the frightening spying technology of the emerging police state, as well as Greenwald's full Colbert appearance below.{Editor's Note: If you like what we do here at Lions of Liberty, please consider purchasing Greenwald's book - or anything else for that matter - through one of our Amazon links! An easy way to help us keep the lights on at no extra cost to you!} 

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