In Defense of Dinesh D'Souza

I don't know much about Dinesh D'Souza. His name barely crosses my radar. So why write an article defending someone I know very little about? Well, first is the obvious alliteration opportunity the title of such a post provides me. As much as I love liberty, I really really love alliteration. The second reason I'm compelled to defend him is simply because I am constantly compelled to defend liberty, and the liberty of all individuals, and the case of Dinesh D'Souza offers my that opportunity as well.Here's what I do know about Dinesh D'Souza: He is a conservative pundit and author, and most recently directed a documentary entitled 2016 Obama's America, which presents Barack Obama as a dangerous man with "anti-colonial, anti-American views." It seems like a silly premise, as Barack Obama is currently the head executive of the American Empire, quite possibly the largest, most powerful imperial power in the history of the world, and has shown no signs of attempting to dismantle said power. But I digress. I haven't watched the documentary, and this article isn't intended to analyze it.The other thing I know about Dinesh D'Souza is that he has plead guilty to the "crime" of "campaign finance fraud."  Here's is the breakdown of D'Souza's supposed crimes, via CNN:

D'Souza, 53, of San Diego, admitted to exceeding donor limits in 2012 by arranging for others to give to the New York Senate campaign of Wendy Long. He also admitted to making false statements about those donations, the office Manhattan U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara saidAccording to the indictment, D’Souza and his wife contributed $10,000 to Long's campaign. He then directed associates to contribute on behalf of themselves and their spouses, totaling $20,000. D'Souza was to reimburse them.Federal election law limits individual campaign contributions to a federal candidate to $2,500 each for a primary and general election campaign.The law also bars any person from making contributions in the name of others or reimbursing another person's contribution.

Despite reading the same excerpt you all just did, I have trouble seeing a "crime" here. D'Souza, for whatever reasons, supported the candidacy of Wendy Long, and sent his own money to her campaign. He then encouraged other people to do the same. He then gave some of those people money as well. And somehow, we are led to believe that these "crimes" are so egregious that D'Souza must spend up to two years in prison. Heaven forbid this man remain free to be running around sending money to people!I agree with past Lions of Liberty Podcast guest Shayne Wissler's view that all human actions can be classified as either "rights" or "crimes." A right is any action that doesn't interfere with the non-interfering actions of others; a crime is an action that interferes with a right of another individual. Under these terms, crimes are limited to physical assault or murder, theft, and fraud."But D'Souza did commit fraud! He was found guilty of campaign finance fraud, you stupid libertarian!", the objectors will cry.Yes, it's true that D'Souza plead guilty to "campaign finance fraud", but this is merely legal wordplay, not actual fraud. Real fraud is an act that interferes with the property of another, using deception to or trickery to deprive them of what is rightfully theirs. Dinesh D'Souza has done no such thing.I may not have many political views in common with Dinesh D'Souza. He may even support many government policies which I myself would consider "crimes." But when speaking on the issues of rights and crimes, we don't get to pick and choose who they apply to. Every action is either a right or a crime, and while D'Souza plead guilty to breaking the law, he has committed no crime from a libertarian viewpoint.For a broader discussion surrounding rights vs. crimes, check out my podcast with Shayne Wissler.NOTE: Shayne Wissler replied with some criticism of this post. You can view the reply here.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!


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