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The Morning Roar: Chicago PD Brutalize Salon Owner, FBI Chief Says Beware Government Power, Adam Kokesh Shows How To Deal With a Sobriety Checkpoint

Welcome to your Thursday edition of The Morning Roar! Chicago PD Brutalizes Salon OwnerI often struggle with the extent to which I should publish the abuses of many in the police state apparatus upon citizens. Many websites out there seem to focus almost entirely on what I call "police state porn", where they just plaster their page with every single instance of abuse they can find. Sometimes I just want to say "Ok, there's a problem, WE GET IT."At the same time, it's important to shine a light on this abuse. As much as many libertarians understand that there is a problem with the way people view the role of police in our society, there are a great many people out there that really don't see police abuse as an issue. Sometimes a shocking video can awake someone from a slumber, and make them at least realize that there is a problem worthy of further examination.The following video posted at seems to fall into the category of the kind of video so disturbing that it just might have that effect. The video shows the Chicago police department raiding a salon on a "tip" from an undercover officer that he was offered sex in exchange for money there. Putting aside the fact that a consensual act between two willing human beings should not be considered a crime in the first place, this video should make even anti-prostitution zealots think twice about the enforcers of the laws which they support. The way they treat this woman - a Chinese immigrant who recently became a U.S. citizen - is beyond deplorable., this poor woman didn't even realize that the men rudely entering her store were police officers, as they were dressed in street clothes. No innocent person - and this woman is innocent of any alleged crime or non-crime she is accused of until proven otherwise - should be treated in this manner by law enforcers or anyone else for that matter. Sadly this behavior continues to be accepted without much more than a shrug of the shoulders from many.FBI Director Says People Should be Suspicious of Government PowerFrom the very mouths of our oppressors!The Hill reports that James Comey, the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, when addressing the Congressional Judiciary Committee this Wednesday, stated:

“I believe people should be suspicious of government power. I am,” Director James Comey said.“I think this country was founded by people who were worried about government power so they divided it among three branches,” he added.

And why was this man, who theoretically shares the same concerns that we liberty-loving Americans do, on the stand? It was to discuss the FBI's use of "national security letters" or NSLs. These NSLs were found to be unconstitutional and in violation of the First Amendment in 2007, however, U.S. District Court Judge Susan Illston ruled that the previous ruling didn't matter worth a damn and gave the FBI all of it's power to use these monstrosities once again. Want to know what they do?

The  2001 law requires Internet service providers and any other type of communication provider–including telephone companies–to comply with secret “national security letters” from the FBI. Those letters can ask for information about subscribers–including home addresses, what telephone calls were made, e-mail subject lines and logs of what Web sites were visited.“All but the most mettlesome and undaunted NSL recipients would consider themselves effectively barred from consulting an attorney or anyone else who might advise them otherwise,” Marrero concluded, “as well as bound to absolute silence about the existence of the NSL…For the reasonable NSL recipient confronted with the NSL’s mandatory language and the FBI’s conduct related to the NSL, resistance is not a viable option.”

Comey insists that these letters are only used for good (and the greater good) but as we have seen time and time again, power corrupts and incompetence reigns supreme in the halls of government agencies.You can read Brian McWilliams' earlier article on this here for more details.Adam Kokesh Demonstrates How To Deal With a Sobriety CheckpointAdam Kokesh is back in action making entertaining and informative videos, now emanating from my backyard here in Los Angeles. Adam often gets a lot of flack from other libertarians due to his style, and there are some fair criticisms that can be made of his approach at times, but overall I have always found him to be generally principled, and almost every single one of his videos makes me laugh out loud at least a couple of times. In his latest, Adam demonstrates how to deal with a sobriety checkpoint, demonstrates how local police use them for revenue generation more than to pull drunk drivers off the street, and has an interesting conversation with a police officer. Lions of Liberty are on Twitter, Facebook & Google+Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!

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