Lions of Liberty Podcast Ep. 36: Libertarians in Living Rooms Drinking Liquor!

{Editor's Note: Due to the topical nature of the subjects discussed in this podcast, I've released this week's episode 48 hours ahead of schedule. Enjoy!}In this special edition of the Lions of Liberty Podcast, I toss the format out the window and welcome in fellow Lions of Liberty Brian, John and Trent for the first edition of what we call "Libertarians in Living Rooms Drinking Liquor."  The gang kick back with their drink of choice and chat about various current events and their relevance to the advancement of liberty. Topics discussed include Rand Paul's latest filibuster, the Texas teenager facing life in prison over hash brownies, political priorities for libertarians, and much, much more! We hope you enjoy this new semi-regular podcast feature!Articles discussed in this episode:Rand Paul Filibuster of David Barron Hits On Key IssuesTeen Faces Life Over Pot Brownies (via The Morning Roar)Legalized Pot Hurting Mexico Cartels & Infuriating DEAPrivate Prisons Suing States Over Lack of PrisonersMy Memorial Day Grope, Courtesy of the TSAOh, and that free online K-12 system I couldn't think of the name of? It's the Khan Academy. Remember, you can subscribe to the show via iTunes or the Stitcher Radio App, and you can even listen to a live stream every Friday night at 7PM EST on Daily Paul Radio! And be sure to come back next week, when we return to our regularly scheduled programming and I will be joined by...AaronCalafato 

Aaron Calafato
On His One Man Play, "For Profit", About the Student Debt Crisis

Miss an episode? Check out the podcast archive.Have thoughts on the show? Don't hesitate to email me!Additonal credit goes to:John Daubert, editing and mastering (check out his work here)Ron Branch for providing the Lions of Liberty Podcast theme music (check out his work here!).Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!


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