The Morning Roar: George Jung Released From Prison, Cop Tases Man Reading a Book, and Nancy Pelosi Dumbfounded by 16-Year-Old

Welcome to your Wednesday edition of The Morning Roar! George Jung Released From PrisonNotorious drug dealer George Jung, made famous by Johnny Depp's portrayal of him in the 2001 movie "Blow",  was released from prison this past Monday on early release, after being jailed for twenty years. His original sentence was for seventy years due to his possession of 1,754 pounds of cocaine. Both the amount of cocaine and the number of years a man must spend in a cage for transporting a substance to willing buyers are shocking.While man libertarians may jump to hail Jung as a hero for defying the War on Drugs, we must realize that just because he was violating an illegitimate law does not make him someone worth praising. Jung was transporting cocaine not out of some sort of principled civil disobedience, but merely in order to make money. While many of the details of his dealings remain unknown, we know that he did associate with drug cartels both in Mexico and Colombia, and had to at least passively accept that he was dealing with many violent individuals who were undoubtedly committing more heinous crimes than transporting drugs. Yes, a man should not be jailed simply for possessing or transporting a substance, but that act does not make that man a hero either.There is one interesting note about Jung's history from the Independent article on his release:

Jung started drugs-smuggling during the Sixties when he began smuggling cannabis bought in California back to New England. His operation expanded until he was eventually arrested in 1974 when he was arrested in Chicago for smuggling 660 pounds of marijuana.Jung was sentenced to prison in Danbury, Connecticut, where he made his first connections in cocaine trafficking. His cellmate was Carlos Ledher, who introduced him to an organised network of drug suppliers and smugglers called Medellín Cartel.After they left prison, Ledher and Jong went into business and earned millions through drug-smuggling. He is said to have been responsible for 85 per cent of cocaine imported into the US during the Seventies and Eighties.

This is exactly the type of unintended consequence of the War on Drugs that I discussed with my fellow Lions of Liberty in our "Libertarians in Living Rooms Drinking Liquor"  roundtable last week. By placing the marijuana-selling George Jung in prison, instead of being "reformed" he simply learned an even higher level of drug trade and made the contacts that led to his next twenty years of cocaine dealing. This is the sort of fate that we can expect to find befalling teenagers who get sent to jail for pot brownies. For more on the untended consequences of the War on Drugs, check out my interview with Dr. Mark Thornton from the Lions of Liberty Podcast!Cop Tases Man Reading a BookNot a day goes by that I don't see a shocking story or video of a police officer going above and beyond the call of duty to "protect and serve" and outright assaulting everyday citizens. I hold back from sharing and discussing most of them, but more and more frequently I seem to see cases so shocking that further light simply must be shed on them.In the below video from KPTV Fox 12 in Oregon, a police officer is caught on a cellphone video tasing a man with his back turned, who seemed to be doing nothing more than reading a book. We don't' know what type of words were exchanged here, but it's hard to imagine the man could have said anything that would justify this blatant assault with a "non-lethal" (though quite often lethal) weapon.KPTV - FOX 12This type of behavior will likely continue until police officers are no longer seen as being "above the law", but rather held to the same standard as ordinary citizens. If I use a taser on a random man on the street, I will surely be charged with assault, without much question. Of course, in this case, the officer is merely "under investigation" by internal affairs, which means a nice paid vacation from the taxpayer, quite the opposite of the fate which would befall any ordinary man without a badge for the very same act.Nancy Pelosi Left Dumbfounded When Confronted by 16-year-old on the NSAFinally, as you finish up your coffee, we have a slightly less upsetting video posted by our friends at In this, we see Nancy Pelosi left completely dumbfounded by the brilliant line of questioning relating to NSA spying from a 16 year old. A future lioness of liberty in the making? The Morning Roar every weekday Monday-Friday!The Lions of Liberty are on TwitterFacebook & Google+Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!

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