The Morning Roar: Cantor Defeated by Tea Party Candidate, 15 Year Old Makes $100K With Bitcoin, and Snowden May Get Plea Deal

Welcome to your Wednesday Morning Roar? Yes. WELCOME.Eric Cantor Defeated By Tea Part Candidate In GOP PrimaryOhhh ho ho ho ho! Christmas has come early this year! House Majority Leader Eric Cantor has been struck down by a little known Tea Party candidate who was outspent something along the lines of $5.4 MILLION during the campaign to advance in Virginia's 7th district GOP primary. From the Daily Beast:

David Brat, an economics professor at Randolph-Macon College, won more votes than Cantor on Tuesday in Virginia’s 7th congressional district GOP primary. With almost all votes in, Brat led 56 percent to Cantor’s 44 percent.

Brat's main issue was immigration, and he hit on that point in an editorial in the DB:

“Congressman Cantor’s profile has been erratic even by Washington standards — flitting from eager establishmentarian coat-holder to self-glorified ‘Young Gun’ and back again,” Brat wrote. “His loyalties, both upward and downward, have shifted in his eager embrace of the Ruling Class. Washington’s only genuine article of faith: maintaining control regardless of how that control affects the life of the folks back home.”

Hmm, it seems like many a politicians' loyalties have shifted to the ruling class once in office.As the Daily Beast notes, this will cause a political upheaval within the GOP, so that will be fun to watch.While I have drastically parted ways with the Tea Party, which has been absconded by Neocons and the likes of Sarah Palin, I still root for TP candidates over the typical GOP fodder. And one less Cantor in power is always a good thing.15 Year Old Makes $100,000 In Bitcoin Investment, Starts Own Business Just a quickie, in our continued coverage of currencies that don't cowtow to the FED and fiat money...A 15 year old named Erik Finman received $1k from his grandmother in 2012 and invested that cash in Bitcoin. Fast forward and the return on his investment was 100-fold, which he's turned into a business called, which provides tutoring over video chat. Yes, the name is horrible, but the kid is 15, so give him a break. Also, it employs 20 people! But this kid has even more to him to like. From Mashable:

Finman, who is from rural Idaho and calls the schools in his region "limited," came up with the concept after wanting access to more classes not offered nearby.

Well, of course they're limited - government run schools in rural Idaho? That's a recipe for success...

"I read 'Without Their Permission: How the 21st Century Will Be Made, Not Managed' by Alexis Ohanian and it taught me that I could do anything through the Internet," he said. "I wanted to use the beauty of the open and free web so people like myself can get access to a great learning experience; whether they're from rural Idaho, New York or even Africa."

Open and free Internet. I like the way this kid talks, knowing that the Internet is under attack at this very instant from the Feds and crony capitalism. If this is the next generation, there may be hope yet. The article goes into more detail about the intricacies of his business, which are pretty well thought out.Also, Erik had a zinger about college, which he doesn't wish to attend. Who can blame him when the value  of a college education has plummeted in the current over-saturated secondary education market and with the government providing too-easily obtained debts  for college attendees.

"I actually have a deal with my parents that if I make a million dollars before I turn 18, I don't have to go to college," he said. "I’m going to do it or die trying."

Our own Marc Clair discussed the state of the education system with actor and activist Aaron Calafato on the most recent episode of the Lions of Liberty Podcast.Edward Snowden in Talks About a Plea Deal To Return To U.S.The last item is the most interesting (arguably) yet also the one we have the least information on. Multiple sources have reported that the NSA is in talks with (hero) Edward Snowden's representatives about a possible plea deal to return to the U.S. From the Free Beacon:Federal prosecutors recently held discussions with representatives of renegade National Security Agency (NSA) contractor Edward Snowden on a possible deal involving his return to the United States to face charges of stealing more than a million secret NSA documents, according to U.S. officials.And that's about all we know.

Discussions on Snowden’s return were held in the past several weeks between prosecutors in the Justice Department’s National Security Division and Plato Cacheris, a long-time Washington defense lawyer who in the past represented several U.S. spies, including some who reached plea bargains rather than go to trial.Cacheris declined to comment when asked about the discussions. “There’s nothing to report,” he told the Washington Free Beacon.No details of the discussions could be learned. But the talks focused on a plea deal that would result in Snowden returning to the United States to face lesser charges in exchange for returning the large cache of secret documents, said officials familiar with some aspects of the talks.A Justice Department spokesman would not comment directly when asked about discussions on a deal for Snowden.“It remains our position that Mr. Snowden should return to the United States and face the charges filed against him,” Marc Raimondi told the Free Beacon. “If he does, he will be accorded full due process and protections.”

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