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Neocons Go Mudslinging Against "Isolationist" Rand Paul Over Iraq

Rand Paul started a war of words when he defended (in a way) Obama's withdrawing of American troops from Iraq and the President's continued refusal to put boots on the ground in that country again to attempt to staunch the uprising of the ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria).In a series of television interviews, Rand took the stance that the US involvement, unconstitutional wars, the overthrow of government, and occupation of Iraq were strong factors leading up to the country's current state of affairs. This is a point which I fully agree with. He also stated that the ISIS faction was using the US's own arms (and training) against the Iraqi government, which would appear to be true seeing as the ISIS is allied with the Syrian rebels battling Assad, supported by the US. I've discussed the problems with the US arming other uprising factions previously, and cited the return on that investment, which typically is paid out in the blood of Americans. We just started shipping over brand new F-16s to Iraq, which we can look forward to the ISIS pilots flying any day now.Of course the Neocons and the President are tap dancing around the Syrian rebel issue, and noted Neocon Dick Cheney has loudly been slamming Rand's (current) stance that the US should keep its nose out of Middle Eastern affairs.

"Rand Paul, with all due respect, is basically an isolationist. He doesn't believe we ought to be involved in that part of the world," Cheney said. "That didn't work in the 1930s, it sure as heck won't work in the aftermath of 9/11, when 19 guys armed with airline tickets and box cutters came all the way from Afghanistan and killed 3,000 of our citizens."

Notice how Cheney cites the attack on 9/11 with no apparent connection between US meddling in that region, and the multitude of bases that our country has there as the main reason for the attack, despite Bin Laden specifically citing those factors as motivation.The branding of Paul as an "isolationist" is also the Neocon's version of last-ditch slandering of an opponent when there is no real, factual criticism that can be made. Similar to how liberals call anyone who criticizes Obama a racist, the Neocons will slap the "isolationist" label on a politician, even if it's not appropriate.Kudos to Rand for stepping away from the mainstream conservative line he's been touting recently and speaking some truth about American involvement in the Middle East.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!