The Morning Roar: TSA Wants Your Devices On, LAPD Will Not Comply with Feds on Immigration, and School Nutrition Groups Turn on Michelle O's Lunch Program

Welcome to your Tuesday edition of The Morning Roar! The TSA Says Some People On US-Bound Flights Must Turn on PhonesPlanning some international travel this summer? Be sure your phone is charged before you attempt to board your flight home. A report from the Associated Press explains that the TSA will be requiring that many passengers flying to the US must turn on their phones and other electronic devices on to board the plane. From the AP:

The TSA said it is requiring some overseas airports to have passengers turn on devices such as cellphones before boarding. It says devices that won't power up won't be allowed on planes, and those travelers may have to undergo additional screening."As the traveling public knows, all electronic devices are screened by security officers," the TSA said in the release announcing the new steps.American intelligence officials have been concerned about new al-Qaida efforts to produce a bomb that would go undetected through airport security. There is no indication that such a bomb has been created or that there's a specific threat to the U.S.

That's right, if your phone or iPad won't turn on, you may very well just have to toss it! I personally make a point to travel outside the country once or twice per year, and I can attest that keeping a cell phone powered can often be a big challenge when you're busy looking up directions and generally trying to get your way to some crazy international airport.Sure, it should be easy enough to power up right there at the security gate, but what if someone's battery dies all together? It should be very easy to identify that a phone or other electronic device is not, in fact, a bomb.It's interesting that the TSA would request this only for overseas flights entering the U.S. If there were really in fact a serious threat of a phone-bomb or Ipad-bomb or what have you, couldn't a potential terrorist simply check his phone bomb in his luggage, get it from his bag once he's entered the U.S., and then simply board another flight that doesn't require that he turns his phone on?This is merely another demonstration of the problems that occur when a system is forced upon an entire population of airlines, airports, and customers without allowing them to determine the best security measures for air travel. Instead, we are all forced to live under the dictates of the TSA, where logical is optional. LAPD Will Not Comply with Feds on Immigration Hold RequestsIt isn't often I get to post a positive story regarding the LAPD, the boys in blue who patrol my back yard here in Los Angeles. The latest move by the new "hey-this-guy-might-not-be-so-bad" mayor of Los Angeles, who recently called LAPD police drones "creepy",  may prove to be an exception. According to, Garcetti has announced that the LAPD will not longer comply with dictates from the federal government to hold people for purposes of detention without judicial review.

The Police Department will now only honor requests from Immigration and Customs Enforcement to keep someone in custody if there has been a judicial determination of probable cause or a warrant from a judicial officer, Garcetti said.“The federal government is in charge of enforcing federal immigration laws, not us at the local level,” Garcetti said in a speech at City Hall. “That responsibility can’t be forced onto local law enforcement officials who already have stretched budgets.”

Bravo to Mayor Garcetti. There are often many negative stories about the LAPD, and rightfully so due to many, many cases of abuses, corruption, and neglect for public safety over the years. But if we are to have an LAPD, it should only be seen as a positive when it is being used for one less immoral activity. Garcetti is correct that the LAPD is not a branch of immigration enforcement, and should have no reason to comply with the federal government when it is asked to detain someone, especially without judicial review.Essentially, the Federal Government has used the LAPD as its own private detainer unit, and up until now has not had to offer any sort of judicial evidence that an "illegal alien" should be detained. Thanks to Mayor Garcetti, that is no longer the case.School Nutrition Groups Turn on Michelle Obama's School Lunch ProgramIn a move that will make our resident Michelle Obama lunch critic Brian McWilliams squeal in delight and dance several jigs, is reporting that many school nutrition groups are now turning on the very unpopular lunch program crafted by the first lady and foisted upon our nation's public schools. Victor Skinner of EAG writes:

Most recently, the School Nutrition Association – which initially championed the new federal lunch standards on fruits, vegetables, salt, fat, sugar and virtually every other aspect of school lunches when they were implemented in 2012 – is now lobbying Congress to dial back the “overly prescriptive” and expensive changes, the New York Times News Service reports.“Congress is listening, and it is considering legislation to delay the nutrition regulations for a year, some of which have already gone into effect. But some of the association’s onetime allies in the school-meal campaign are mystified, if not suspicious, concerning the group’s motivations,” the news service reports.SNA officials rightly point out that many students are throwing away the additional fruits and vegetables included in their lunches, amounting to $684 million in food waste every year – or roughly “enough to serve complete reimbursable school lunches to more than 228 million students,” according to the Times.

The Federal Government should not be forcing the specifications of a child's lunch on schools, students, or parents. What a child eats should be determined by the choices of the parent and child, as well as in conjunction with local school lunch programs if a parent chooses to involve his or her child in one.The Federal Government likes to force vastly expansive regulations upon many of it's unwilling citizens, from airline security to immigration to what your child eats at school. The result is predictable - arbitrary regulations which violate individual rights and lead to general chaos and discontent. Read The Morning Roar every weekday Monday-Friday!The Lions of Liberty are on TwitterFacebook & Google+Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!

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