Felony Friday: Police Want To Take Explicit Photos Of Teen As Evidence

A seventeen-year-old Manassas teen is facing two felony charges, one for possession of child pornography and one for manufacturing child pornography. He is facing these charges because his fifteen-year-old girlfriend sent naked photos to his cellphone and in return he sent his girlfriend a sexually explicit video of himself. If convicted on these charge the teen could end up in jail until the age of twenty-one and could be included on the state sex offender data base for the rest of his life.This is a huge price to pay for an immature act. To ruin a young person’s life in order to penalize them for exchanging “sexts” with a girl that is only two years younger is ridiculous.These charges don't seem to be consistent with Virginia law in regards to the age of consent. In the State of Virginia it is a misdemeanor and punishable by up to one year in jail if someone eighteen years or older has sex with an individual fifteen, sixteen, or seventeen years of age. In this case a seventeen-year-old is not accused of having sex, but is potentially facing a harsher punishment for sharing sexually explicit images of a fifteen-year-old. Does that make any sense?If you thought the charges filed against the teen were overly harsh, then the prosecution's reasoning for filing a search warrant will make you downright disgusted. The prosecution made a very creepy decision in their pursuit of convicting these teenage boy of felony charges. In fact, some might even considered the search warrant obtained by the prosecution to be criminal act.Prince William County prosecutors have a search warrant that has not yet been served to take a photo of the teenagers erect penis. Thankfully, a Prince William County judge allowed the seventeen-year-old to leave the area without the warrant being served or the pictures being taken. The teenager is safe, for now, from a potentially emotionally traumatizing event.The Washington Post reports the despicable behavior by the “authorities” in Prince Williams County.

Foster said the case began when the teen’s 15-year-old girlfriend sent photos of herself to the 17-year-old, who in turn sent her the video in question. The girl has not been charged, and her mother filed a complaint about the boy’s video, Foster said. The male teen was served with petitions from juvenile court in early February, and not arrested, but when the case went to trial in juvenile court in June, Foster said prosecutors forgot to certify that the teen was a juvenile. The case was dismissed, but police immediately obtained new charges and also a search warrant for his home. Police also arrested the teen and took him to juvenile jail, where Foster said they took photos of the teen’s genitals against his will.The case was set for trial on July 1, where Foster said Assistant Commonwealth’s Attorney Claiborne Richardson told her that her client must either plead guilty or police would obtain another search warrant “for pictures of his erect penis,” for comparison to the evidence from the teen’s cell phone. Foster asked how that would be accomplished and was told that “we just take him down to the hospital, give him a shot and then take the pictures that we need.”The teen declined to plead guilty. Foster said the prosecutor then requested a continuance so police could get a search warrant, which was granted by substitute Juvenile Court Judge Jan Roltsch-Anoll. Two days later, both sides were back in court. Foster had filed a motion to allow her client to travel out of state to visit family. Richardson wanted the teen to comply with the search warrant before he left. Juvenile Court Judge Lisa Baird declined to order that, and allowed the teen to leave the area. But he has another court date on July 15.

The first time I saw this article I thought it might be from the satirical website The Onion. But it is probably too twisted even for their writers to come up with.The issuing of a search warrant to take a picture of a minor's erect penis has to be one of the most egregious violations of basic human rights by a judge and prosecution team. Ironically, if this disturbing search warrant is served, then these "authorities" will have broken the laws they are purporting to protect in order to convict a young man for an immature mistake.To think that it is morally acceptable to force a teenage boy to take drugs against his will, and then photograph the boy's privates in the name of "justice" proves how incredibly twisted some in the law enforcement and judicial profession have become.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!


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