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The Morning Roar: Perry Attacks Paul’s “Isolationist” Polices, Proposed CA Bill Would Allow Gun Seizure Based On One Complaint, ProtonMail Is Encrypted Email Anyone Can Use

Welcome to your Monday edition of The Morning Roar!Perry Attacks Paul’s “Isolationist” PolicesThe Neocons are slinging more mud in Senator Rand Paul’s direction regarding his Middle Eastern foreign policy stance. One potential candidate for the 2016 Presidential election has started to take some pretty big swings at the junior senator.Recently, Rick Perry had some disparaging remarks about the early GOP front-runner Rand Paul. The following excerpt is from an op-ed Perry penned for the Washington Post:

That’s why it’s disheartening to hear fellow Republicans,  such as Sen. Rand Paul (Ky.), suggest that our nation should ignore what’s happening in Iraq. The main problem with this argument is that it means ignoring the profound threat that the group now calling itself the  Islamic State poses to the United States and the world.In the Islamic State, which came to prominence in Syria and now controls ample territory, weapons and cash in both that country and Iraq, the world is confronting an even more radicalized version of Islamic extremism than al-Qaeda. This group is well-trained, technologically sophisticated and adept at recruitment,  with thousands of people with European passports fighting on its side, as well as some Americans.

First, I would request that Mr. Perry dig up the quote where Rand Paul called on people to “ignore what’s happening in Iraq.” After he comes up empty on that search, maybe he can research what country helped train the Islamic militants fighting in Iraq.Reputable sources have reported that ISIS rebels fighting in Syria were trained by the United States in Jordan. These Syrian radicals were aligned with the Iraqi radicals at the time of the training. Only recently has a split occurred between the groups. This would explain why the Islamic State in Iraq is so well-trained, technologically sophisticated, and adept at recruitment. Not only did the U.S. government completely destroy the infrastructure in Iraq, but they also trained the militants that are now unraveling the “gains” they made in the country.Perry and the other Neocons call for intervention in Iraq and throughout the Middle East, but offer no tactical plans. They are quick to discount those that call for non-intervention in a given situations, but always fail to identify the intervention they would prescribe.Surely these warmongers would respond that they need to hear intelligence reports before a proposal could be formulated. This is a bullshit response. The last two administrations have wasted trillions of dollars in the Middle East blowing stuff up and then rebuilding it. Before anyone pays any attention to Perry and his ilk, they should be required to give a detailed presentation on why military adventurism would turn out differently this time.Americans needs to pull their heads out of the sand and look at the parties that profit from foreign invasion and foreign infrastructure rebuilding. There are many crony capitalist corporations that fill the campaign coffers of pro-war politicians. They do this in exchange for politicians spewing rhetoric that encourages military intervention overseas. It is the age-old adage: follow the money.Luckily, the American people are sick of war. They’ve seen how disastrous the Afghanistan and Iraq war have been on those countries and the American soldiers that have made it back home.The next time Rick Perry or any other pro-war member of the duopoly demands that America takes action on foreign soil ask what the cost will be. How many soldiers? How many bombs? How many innocent women and children will be killed in faraway countries? What will happen to affected countries after the war?Proposed CA Bill Would Allow Gun Seizure Based On One ComplaintThis is scary.A bill currently before the California state Senate would allow the secret seizure of a state resident’s firearms based on a single complaint that the owner poses a risk of committing an act of violence made by “an immediate family member, licensed therapist, or licensed health care provider.”CNSnews reports:

A.B. 1014, which was introduced last year by Assembly members Das Williams (D-Carpinteria) and Nancy Skinner (D-Berkeley), allows a court to issue an ex parte gun violence restraining order and a firearm seizure warrant based on the “recent acquisition of firearms or other deadly weapons“ or the “reckless use, display, or brandishing” of firearms even if no crime has been committed.The state Senate's Public Safety Committee  passed the bill on June 24th.“An immediate family member, licensed therapist, or licensed health care provider of a person may file a petition requesting that the court issue an ex parte gun violence restraining order enjoining the subject of the petition from having under his or her custody and control, owning, purchasing, possessing, or receiving a firearm or ammunition,” the bill states.Any person who knowingly files a false petition “with the intent to harass” would be guilty of a misdemeanor.

This bill is in part a response to the tragic killings in Isla Vista, because the mother of the killer had raised concerns about the mental state of her son, but nothing was done.This is sort of a sidebar on the Isla Vista killings, but not one person has inquired as to how the Isla Vista killer was able to pay for his apartment, food, and gun collection. He had apparently dropped out of classes in February 2012, but still remained in the college town for more than two years doing nothing. There have been no reports of work or a career. He most assuredly was getting money from his parents. Perhaps cutting off his income flow could have influenced events.Instead politicians and anti-gun activists are attempting to pass a bill that could potentially infringe upon an individual’s right to self-defense.Shootings or stabbings or baseball bat beatings are tragic events. In the aftermath, it is human nature to wonder what could have been done differently to prevent these tragic events. Surely some of the time, family members, doctors, and therapists could prevent a tragedy by notifying authorities that an individual could be a danger to themselves or others if they have access to firearms.In contrast, families, medical professionals, and therapists could also disarm a lot of law-abiding citizens that are absolutely no threat to society. Even if an individual is barred from owning a firearm this does not mean that they are necessarily inhibited from acquiring a firearm illegally, or obtaining another kind of weapon.This bill also begs the question of what unintended consequence could be associated with arming (no pun intended!) medical professional and therapists with the power to strip natural rights. It could act to deter certain individuals that need medical or mental help to seek help, because they fear losing their ability to defend themselves.ProtonMail Is Encrypted Email Anyone Can Use There is some good news for those of you out there that are sick and tired of the NSA reading your emails. A new email service called ProtonMail has been started with the goal of protecting people around the world form the mass surveillance that is currently being perpetrated by governments and corporations around the world.From Indiegogo:

ProtonMail uses breakthrough web technologies and proven cryptographic algorithms to protect your privacy. Because of our end-to-end encryption, your data is already encrypted by the time it reaches our servers. We have no access to your messages, and since we cannot decrypt them, we cannot share them with third parties. We host all our servers in Switzerland outside US and EU jurisdiction so all user data is protected by strict Swiss privacy laws.We feel that the best way to guard against mass surveillance is to give encryption to everybody by making it free and easy to use. This is why ProtonMail works out of any modern web browser, and why we went to great lengths to make the complex cryptography completely invisible to the user.Your email is encrypted by default and can be accessed from your home computer, laptop, tablet and your iPhone or Android device effortlessly. ProtonMail accounts are also fully backwards compatible with existing email so you can continue to send and receive email from friends who aren’t using ProtonMail.

Head on over to their Indiegogo site and make a contribution. They have already exceeded their original goal of $100,000 they needed to buy and host the servers to support users currently on the waiting list. In fact, they beat their original goal fourfold. With additional funding ProtonMail could eventually add custom domains, encrypted email mobile apps, encrypted chat, and encrypted file storage.Read The Morning Roar every weekday Monday-Friday!The Lions of Liberty are on TwitterFacebook & Google+Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!

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