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The Morning Roar: Ron Paul's Take On MH17, Increased TSA Tax Raises Flying Costs, and Cops Kill 400lb Man Over Untaxed Cigs

Your Tuesday Morning Roar!Ron Paul's Take On Russia, The White House, The Media & The MH17 Disaster Ron Paul is ever outspoken, whether it be PC or not, and bless him for it. While the rest of the western world tries to find ways to tie the attack on Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 to Putin and Russia, Ron tries to look at all the evidence before jumping to conclusions, as Obama's White House did when they blamed Putin before a report on the incident was even issued. From his Texas Straight Talk column on Sunday:

Just days after the tragic crash of a Malaysian Airlines flight over eastern Ukraine, Western politicians and media joined together to gain the maximum propaganda value from the disaster. It had to be Russia; it had to be Putin, they said. President Obama held a press conference to claim – even before an investigation – that it was pro-Russian rebels in the region who were responsible. His ambassador to the UN, Samantha Power, did the same at the UN Security Council – just one day after the crash!While western media outlets rush to repeat government propaganda on the event, there are a few things they will not report.They will not report that the crisis in Ukraine started late last year, when EU and US-supported protesters plotted the overthrow of the elected Ukrainian president, Viktor Yanukovych. Without US-sponsored “regime change,” it is unlikely that hundreds would have been killed in the unrest that followed. Nor would the Malaysian Airlines crash have happened.The media has reported that the plane must have been shot down by Russian forces or Russian-backed separatists, because the missile that reportedly brought down the plane was Russian made. But they will not report that the Ukrainian government also uses the exact same Russian-made weapons.

The full article, which has many more factoids that the MSM won't be mentioning, can be found here. The media is all too complicit in its parroting of White House propaganda, and in the midst of the revitalized Cold War, the administration misses no chances to take shots across Russia's bow whenever possible. Especially if it means convincing the rest of Europe to go along with the sanctions that the U.S. wants to push through.Increased TSA Tax Raises Airfare Starting Yesterday Your state-sponsored personal rights infringers are back with a brand new way to infuriate you. Yes the TSA and Congress, in an effort to make up for the national deficit, has doubled the tax added onto every single airline ticket, going from $2.50 to $5.60. I guess Congress thought that people either wouldn't notice, or that we all just thought the TSA was doing such a damn good job that they deserved to have more money taken out of our pockets on their behalf. Congress was wrong to pass the hike, and it was definitely wrong about public sentiment. From USA Today:

Although Congress approved the fee hike to help reduce the deficit, TSA is the agency getting pounded by more than 300 comments through Friday largely criticizing the agency and government taxation. Although the fees are going into effect, TSA will collect comments through Aug. 19.Patrick Riehl of Cambridge, Mass., argued that two things other than the TSA have made aviation safer since the Sept. 11 attacks that prompted creation of the agency: reinforced cockpit doors and passengers who fight back. "It only succeeds in humiliating the elderly, scaring children and making all travelers feel like criminal suspects," he said in submitted comments. "We should scale back airport security, not expand it."

Damn well right we should.The underhanded way in which the State goes about stealing money from its citizens never ceases to amaze me. The State creates a deficit through runaway spending and terrible monetary policy, then sneaks in extra taxes everywhere it can to make up the difference.NYC Police Choke 400lb Man To Death Over Sale of Untaxed Cigarettes A very disturbing video of the NYPD choking a man to death on the sidewalk has made it to the internet, showcasing everything that is wrong with state sponsored violence. Eric Garner, a 43 year old asthmatic man weighing some 400lbs was taken down via chokehold after he refused to put his hands behind his back when approached by police. Despite insistence from those around him that he had done nothing illegal, namely selling untaxed cigarettes as the police had accused him of, the officers moved in to restrain Mr. Garner. Those would be the last moments of his life.Unchecked police brutality is a recurring theme these days, with the State's attempted monopoly on violence helping to tip the scales of justice in favor of police over the every day citizen. Eric Garner is dead because of this, and over a charge that was unfounded (no cigarettes were found on his person). This type of police action has to end, and we as a populace have to make it known via every possible legal, journalistic and community outlet that we will not accept the murder of citizens by state forces any longer.Read The Morning Roar every weekday Monday-Friday!The Lions of Liberty are on TwitterFacebook & Google+Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!

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