The Morning Roar: Police Shoot Man Over Unpaid Parking Tickets, TSA Offers $15K For Idea To Help Shorten Airport Lines, Mom Arrested For Letting Kid Play In Park

Sitting here and writing for you today, I am completely relaxed. This is because I am enjoying some R&R from my day job on a beautiful North Carolina beach. Vacationing at the beach (if you don’t’ live at the beach like some of the other contributors to this site) is a fantastic escape from the pressures of the daily grind. After spending the day soaking up rays and sipping adult beverages, I’m not going to lie, it was a little tough to motivate myself to put in the work to cobble together an exceptional edition of The Morning Roar!But I did it, for the love of liberty!Police Shoot Man Over Unpaid Parking TicketsThe police in Lehigh County Pennsylvania fired a warning shot to all the degenerates out there with unpaid parking tickets.NBC Philadelphia reports:

A man was shot Thursday morning in Lehigh County when a Pennsylvania State Constable tried to serve him with a warrant over unpaid parking tickets.The constable told the district attorney he felt his life was in danger as he tried to serve 38-year-old Kevin McCullers.McCullers, who had 31 outstanding parking tickets, was shot as he tried to back out of his driveway along the 3400 block of Portland Drive in Whitehall Township around 7:30 a.m. Thursday. His girlfriend says McCullers was on his way to Dunkin' Donuts and was surprised by the constable."They never knocked on the door. No, nothing. I just heard the gunshots. He pulled the car out of the garage and all I heard were gunshots," said Hafeezah Muhammad, who added that McCullers, who was hit in the back, may not walk again. "For parking tickets? It's insane."

Kevin McCuller was shot in the back and could be paralyzed from the waist down. This event transpired because McCullers did not pay parking tickets. McCullers girlfriend was accurate when she called this unfortunate incident "insane."The legal authorities in this case have the assumed consent of those they serve to enforce the laws and protect the public. If a disgusting incident such as this does not make the individuals in Lehigh County strongly consider revoking that consent and procuring alternate security, then I don’t know what will.TSA Offers $15K For Ideas To Help Shorten Airport Lines Do you have an ideas that may shorten TSA lines at airports across the U.S.?Then step right up and submit your solution to the trusting folks that stick their hands down your pants and grope your private parts. The Transportation Security Administration is taking suggestions and they’re paying big bucks!From the Washington Post:

The TSA is offering as much as $15,000 to anyone who can devise a new security line system. It’s asking so-called “solvers” to build on TSA’s existing PreCheck program, which allows fliers to bypass some security rules like removing shoes and no liquids over a certain size that often create line gridlock.TSA says the new idea should take into account the various categories of travelers who sometimes abide by different screening rules, like the PreCheck fliers, premier passengers, travelers in wheelchairs, and flight crews.“Solvers are expected to provide the concept and provide evidence that it works as described in the requirements,” according to a description of the “Next Generation Checkpoint Queue Design Model” contest.Don’t delay. The contest ends Aug. 15. And there are currently 1,638 “active solvers” angling for the prize. The TSA is guaranteeing that at least one award will be granted.

I think I have the solution, but I don’t think the TSA will like it.Abolish the TSA.If airports across the country are looking to streamline the security screening process, then they need to ask themselves how the current bureaucratic nightmare has caused the current system to become so cumbersome. Airlines should be forced to assume the risk associated with security screening. This would open the door for diversification of screening practices between airlines and would allow the market to determine which security plans are the most efficient and effective.I’ll be eagerly awaiting my $15,000 check in the mail!Mom Arrested For Letting Kid Play In Park I feel bad for kids today. “Society” has an expectation that an adult must always be present and if one is not, then something must be terribly covered a recent story out of Port St. Lucie, Florida that confirms this.

A Port St. Lucie, Forida, mom has been arrested and charged with child neglect for daring to let her son, 7, play in the park half a mile from home. He was happily walking there when a busybody noticed him and asked where his mommy was. Then the busybody called the cops, since apparently no child should ever be outside without a private security detail.The police descended upon the scene of the crime and later arresting the mom for the usual charge of child neglect. What if something bad had happened?

The story goes on to report that the officer on the scene said that the child was unsupervised at the park and that “numerous sex offenders reside in the vicinity.” The officer seemed to be stressing about the fact that the park is not safe for children to be there alone.I don’t know about you, but when I was a kid I would leave my house for the entire day and walk all over town. Maybe I’d stop by the pool, swing by McDonalds, and finish up by playing basketball at the High School outdoor courts. To be fair I did grow up in a nice area, but that’s really not the point.The officer in this story is stressing to the parents and to any parent that reads this that children are never safe without an adult, because there are pedophiles everywhere.I hope the arresting officer in this story is in the minority with his reasoning. It is hard to imagine officers around the country arresting parents for letting their kids play on the block because “there might be a pedophiles living nearby.”If the pedophiles the cop references in this story are really that dangerous to children, then why the heck did they get released from prison in the first place?I think it’s been working pretty well for a long time to teach kids to stay in groups, not to talk to strangers, and to run like hell screaming if a stranger comes after you.Additionally, those familiar with child abuse would probably say that the majority of abuse victims are abused by community leaders or family friends that they have built up trust.Read The Morning Roar every weekday Monday-Friday!The Lions of Liberty are on TwitterFacebook & Google+Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!

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