The Morning Roar: U.S. Airstrikes Continue In Iraq, Ron Paul Thinks U.S. Government Is Hiding Information On MH17, Congress Working On Bill To De-militarize Federal Agencies

This Monday edition of The Morning Roar was difficult to keep only to three stories. There is so much happening in the world right now it is overwhelming.U.S. Airstrikes Continue In IraqThe U.S. air offensive against ISIS in Iraq continued into the weekend. Most of those killed thus far have been "militants", but several bombs have wounded civilians. President Obama claims that the air strikes are necessary to protect Iraqi Yazidis that have been force to flee their homes and seek refuge on Mount Sinjar. It is estimate that 150,000 are stranded on the mountain. Their religion draws from Christianity, Judaism, and the ancient monotheistic religion Zoroastrianism. The Islamic ISIS thinks they are devil worshippers and have issued a ultimatium to the Yazidis, convert to Islam or die. So far some 500 have been killed.Why does the U.S. government seek to protect the Iraqi Yazidis, while they previously funded Islamic militants in Syria that murdered Christians? Nothing against the Yazidis. They are obviously in a terrible situation. There is no consistency in how the U.S. government handles these situations, because the U.S. government is not constrained to only protecting individual rights. The Yazidis individual rights are being violated by a gang of thugs, but we have to wonder if airstrikes are an effective method of protecting people, if we can even believe that this is the true motivation for the reports on another day of U.S. airstrikes.

U.S. President Barack Obama said that airstrikes have already accomplished their job at stunting the Islamic State’s advance towards Kurdistan. Humanitarian airdrops will continue, but the president called helping Iraq "a long-term project." Repeated airstrikes may be necessary for several months, he admitted. Analysts are more critical of the airstrikes, though, and they believe the operation lacks a real strategy.According to the International Organization for Migration, over one million Iraqis are now internally displaced from their homes. Over 50 percent of them left their homes since the June invasion of the Islamic State.In an extraordinary move, Baghdad sent to Arbil a C-140 full of small arms ammunition for use by Peshmerga forces. Baghdad and the United States have kept the Kurds in a weakened position to ensure that Iraq stays united. The rapid advance by the Islamic State has made that rigid stance unsustainable.

How nice of the President to inform the people whose tax dollars he has unilaterally decided to use to wage another war, without first even asking the Congress for the authority to do so.Where does the Obama Administration get the authority to bomb Iraq?The Authorization for Use of Military Force (Against Terrorists) was signed into law by George W. Bush in September 2001. This is not to be confused with the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002, which was signed into law by George W. Bush in October 2002.I have not seen anywhere that Obama has openly cited either AMUF or the Iraq Resolution as granting authorization for an air campaign against militants in Iraq. In fact, two weeks ago Susan E. Rice, the National Security Advisor to President Obama, wrote to Speaker Boehner asking Congress to repeal the Iraq Resolution. Rice also told Boehner that the Obama administration does not intend to return to combat operation in Iraq, but targeted military action may be needed. In that case, Rice said Obama would consult Congress.I don’t remember Obama consulting Congress before dropping bombs in Iraq late last week. The truth of the matter is it does not matter what resolution or authorizations have been signed, repealed, or amended. Those in charge will do what they damn well please. Until we evolve as people to understand that the government must be constrained to the protection of individual rights, we are going to see a lot more of our taxes dollars be used to blow up things in far-away lands.Ron Paul Thinks U.S. Government Is Hiding Information On MH17Is the U.S. government concealing the truth as to who is responsible for shooting down MH17?Former congressman Ron Paul thinks so and as per usual, he’s not the least bit shy about sharing his opinion. Ron Paul spoke out about the Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 crash on his new website Voices Of Liberty.

The U.S. government has grown strangely quiet on the accusation that it was Russia or her allies that brought down the Malaysian airliner with a buck anti-aircraft missile.The little that we have heard from U.S. intelligence is that it has no evidence that Russia was involved. Yet the war propaganda were successful in convincing the American public that it was all Russia’s fault. It’s hard to believe that the U.S., with all of its spy satellites available for monitoring everything in Ukraine that precise proof of who did what and when is not available.When evidence contradicts our government’s accusations, the evidence is never revealed to the public—for national security reasons, of course. Some independent sources claim that the crash site revealed evidence that bullet holes may have come from a fighter jet. If true, it would implicate Western Ukraine.Questions do remain regarding the serious international incident. Too bad we can’t count on our government to just tell us the truth and show us the evidence. I’m convinced that it knows a lot more than it’s telling us.One of the independent sources Dr. Paul probably is referring to above is Michael Bociurkiw, a Ukrainian-Canadian monitor with the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). Bociurkiw was one of the first international monitors to reach the crash site.

Please watch the video below where Bociurkiw is interviewed by the CBC. In the interview he describes the look of bullet holes on the MH17 wreckage. He says, “There have been two or three pieces of fuselage that have been really pockmarked with what almost looks like machinegun fire; very, very strong machinegun fire.”Congress Working On Bill To De-militarize Federal AgenciesRep. Chris Stewart (R-Utah) is leading the charge to stop the militarization of federal agencies, the current push of which began in 2002 when the Homeland Security Act granted arrest and firearm authority to various federal offices of inspectors general. The House bill that Stewart is a sponsor call for these agencies to lose that authority and restrict them from acquiring military weaponry.From

The bill, H.R. 4934, entitled the Regulatory Agency Demilitarization Act, would place a freeze on weapons purchases by all federal agencies with exception for those who have traditional law enforcement or defense tasking such as the FBI and the U.S. Coast Guard. Those agencies not exempted would have 90 days to submit to Congress details of their armed agents including the scope and composition of their specialized units that receive special tactical or military-style training or use hard-plated body armor, shields, or helmets and that respond to high-risk situations that fall outside the capabilities of regular law enforcement officers. If they can’t justify them, they could risk losing them.In addition, Stewart’s bill would strike the 2002 clause that allows more than 60 OIG offices to carry guns and arrest suspects.According to a 2006 GAO report, no less than 137,929 armed law enforcement officers in 104 agencies work for the federal government. Besides agencies under the Justice Department, Defense and Homeland Security, there exists a myriad of armed OIG agents who investigate largely regulatory crimes.

Hopefully this bill gets put to a vote and we’ll be able to get on record which politicians are in favor of the militarization of federal agencies.We’ll have more to come on this very important bill in future editions of The Morning Roar!Read The Morning Roar every weekday Monday-Friday!The Lions of Liberty are on TwitterFacebook & Google+Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!

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