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Learning Ferguson's Lessons

The only mistakes that should be regretted are those from which no lessons were learned.  Never let a mistake go to waste.  The fiasco in Ferguson, MO, provides the opportunity to learn at least two valuable lessons.  The first involves the concept of Divine Right at its foundation.  The other regards effective human interaction.1.  Equality Under the Law is Important Show me a situation where accountability is lacking, and I'll show you a situation where there is great potential for waste and abuse.Divine Right supposed that the heads of monarchical states derived their power directly from a higher being and, thus, were assumed to be a cut above the rest of humanity.  Such an exalted position provides a barrier against negative consequences that may otherwise be incurred without the privileges afforded.  Isaac Newton and his confidant John Locke both spoke out against the concept of Divine Right and so did the Founder of the United States, Thomas Paine:

Most wise men in their private sentiments have ever treated hereditary right with contempt; yet it is one of those evils which when once established is not easily removed:  many submit from fear, others from superstition, and the more powerful part shares with the king the plunder of the rest.

Of course this quote is more broad - as Divine Right falls under the category of superstition.  Nonetheless, the common premise is that a group of people exist that should be treated differently under the law.  Politicians and police provide obvious examples.  For instance, what if a common person told an off-duty cop to get out of the road and fired on and killed him or her when uncooperative?  Would that person be at home if known?The "Blue Line" and other such conceptions, named or unnamed, only serve to cause divisions.  Every person should be treated equally under the law.2.  Your posture has an effect on the postures of those you engage. Walk up to Chuck Liddell, for instance, with doubled-up fists and a pissed-off look on your face.  In a business meeting get a look on your face like you just smelled flatulence every time your boss says something.  Or, smile at a cashier and ask about their day next time you're in the checkout line.  The way you look and act directly impacts your encounters with other people.When people are simply protesting, do you suppose tossing tear gas at them is going to bring them around to your way of thinking?  Or, do you suppose it will just serve to bolster the divide?  Do displays of military occupation themselves spur an aura of rebellion?Want to smooth the road of life that lays before you?  Take on the attitude you want those you interact with to take on.  You can bring the bad out in people, but more importantly, you have the ability to bring the good out in people too.I give my condolences to the friends and family of Michael Brown.  May peace break out and this mistake not go to waste.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!