Lions of Liberty

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Standing up

Before reading on, please answer the question - How did the United States get in the shape it is today?The answer that you provided to yourself was likely akin to - "because the People never stood against the encroachment of the government."I often hear people say, "I can't _____________________ because I'm fearful of the consequences,"  "I can't stop ________________  because...," "I must do __________________ because...," etc.  Yet those same folks yearn for change and seem perplexed why nothing ever changes.What does it mean to stand up?  Supposing you abhor ballet, would you consider caving into your significant other's requests for a trip to a ballet as standing up?  No, absolutely not.  Standing up always entails potential consequences.  Standing up, in that situation, would be saying something like, "No, I'm not going to the ballet.  It makes me throw up a little and gives me nightmares," despite the possibility of ending up in the doghouse.The game played by saying "I can't _____________________ because..." is called kicking the can.  By saying "I can't _____________________ because..." in conjunction with wishing for change means, in reality, "I hope other people besides me or future generations have enough brass to stand up because I'm too yellow."  Thus, tyranny is allowed to trudge on via complacency and fear.This thing isn't going to change itself.  The powers that be aren't going to suddenly get bored and decide to restore your liberty.  They masturbate to atrocity.  It gives them pleasure to watch you labor and toil to their benefit out of fear.  Faces of Death is their porn.  You are their pawn.Who pulls the triggers? Do they?Who quells the protests?  Do they?Who passes the legislation?  Do they?Who pays the bills?  Do they?Could they keep their secrets without you?Could they invade foreign nations without you?Could they achieve their goal to enslave the globe without you?Your cooperation is integral to their success, yet so many of you have told me, "I can't __________________ because..."It's a damn good thing that early Americans had some moxie.  Otherwise, your docile self would be bowing to British royalty, also, complacently.[Sigh]How did the United States get in the shape it is today?Maybe the next generation will grow a pair - as they may likely be subject to abject poverty which you ushered upon them because the consequences seemed so dire.  They won't have as much to lose since you rendered them debt slaves.  So, maybe they will stand up.  Or perhaps, they will enslave their children, as well.Nonetheless, standing up will always entail potential consequences.  Otherwise, it would be called going-along-to-get-along.Perhaps, rehearse saying, "I can."I can.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!