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TMR: British Jihadists Want To Return Home, Six Figure Income Is Not What It Used To Be, TSA Video For Kids

Just another manic Monday! Here is your Monday edition of The Morning Roar from your friends at Lions of Liberty.British Jihadists Want To Return HomeHundreds or maybe thousands of British citizens traveled to Iraq and Syria over the past few years to join ISIS and other radicalized groups in the name of jihad. Apparently, a good number of these individuals have become disillusioned with the thuggish tactics used by the radicalized Muslim groups and have contacted a research team at King’s College in London to relay their wishes to return to their homeland. However, they are reluctant to return because they fear that they could face charges upon return and end up spending the rest of their lives in jail.The wishes of the jihadists to quit fighting and return to a life of peace in Great Britain has led some in the political class to inquire about developing a government-run “de-radicalization program” that would transition the former thugs into upstanding members of society.Only in Europe would an idea this asinine be given serious consideration.From The Telegraph:

Professor Peter Neumann, of the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation at King's College London, said the Government should set up a "deradicalisation programme" for those willing former jihadis.Earlier this week Labour leader Ed Miliband suggested a mandatory programme of deradicalisation for those involved on the fringes with Islamic State (IS) after David Cameron, the Prime Minister, announced more limited plans for those under court orders.Prof Neumann said: "The people we have been talking to ... want to quit but feel trapped because all the Government is talking about is locking them up for 30 years."One jihadist, claiming to represent 30 others who feel the same way, contacted university researchers in the past fortnight to say there is a feeling of disillusionment, as some who travelled to fight against Syrian President Bashar Assad's regime are instead being forced to get involved in in-fighting among rebel groups.He told the researchers: "It's not what we came for but if we go back (to Britain) we will go to jail. Right now, we are being forced to fight – what option do we have?"

The jihadists should be fearful that they will be locked up for participating in property destruction and being a party to assault, rape, and murder. The last thing the government should consider is allowing them back into society without forcing them to face consequences for their actions. It would be immoral to allow these jihadists to evade accountability for their crimes.The lapse in the enforcement of the rule of law could entice more British Muslims to join terrorist groups, knowing that if they have a change of heart the government will welcome them back without forcing them to pay for the crimes they committed.If you rape or murder someone you should face the full weight of the law. Making exceptions for crimes because they occurred during a holy war is insane.Six Figure Income Is Not What It Used To BeInflation does not occur equally throughout the marketplace. Wages do not rise as quickly as prices go up. Prices of cars can rise faster than prices of houses. But one thing is certain when the Federal Reserve expands the money supply by way of quantitative easing or interest rate manipulation: a transfer of wealth occurs.Banks and crony corporations gain access to newly created dollars before the money loses value. The average Joe sees an increase in their paycheck after prices have increased in the marketplace. This is a vicious cycle that is making it harder and harder to get ahead. Twenty or thirty years ago one hundred thousand dollars would equal a comfortable life.The blog Personal Capital explains the destruction of the “$100K American Dream.”

I was born in 1980, and I still remember the days when “bringing in six figures” was a sign of extreme wealth and success. It was more than enough to buy the perfect house with a white picket fence, after all, and achieving that sort of income implied a certain level of status that nearly everyone aspired to. You could even say that a six-figure salary was seen as the real “American dream,” simply because earning that much money meant that you had “made it,” at least in financial terms. As a child, I distinctly remember dreaming of a six-figure income myself, and fantasizing about all of the amazing things I could do with  so much money.Times have changed since then, but the public’s perception of a six-figure salary hasn’t necessarily changed with it. With the median household income stuck at around $53,093 in 2014, an annual salary of nearly twice that still seems like more than enough money to succeed and thrive in any economy, no matter the circumstances. However, a convergence of factors have fundamentally changed what it means to rake in a “six-figure salary” in America, and many families who look rich on paper are merely struggling to get ahead along with everyone else.

The article includes the following chart (taken from Economic Noise), which shows how much living expenses have gone up in price over the last decade and a half.costoflivingxpenses-7-1-14 The writer does not mention the Federal Reserve System or fractional reserve banking as the driving forces behind the destruction of the $100K American Dream, but they do offer some suggestions to get ahead on a measly six figure income. If we don't fix the problem and remove government's stranglehold from money creation sometime in the future we'll be talking about when $1 Million used to be a lot of money, and on and on.TSA Video For KidsPresented to you without comment…Read The Morning Roar every weekday Monday-Friday!The Lions of Liberty are on TwitterFacebook & Google+Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!

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