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TMR: Delaware Tax Status Draws Feds Ire, The Ridiculous ISIS Situation, and Teen Faces 2 Year Sentence For Sexy Photo With Jesus Statue

It's years out since that awful Rebecca Black "Friday" song came and went, yet it's still in my head. That atrocity's got legs I tells ya! Anyway, your Friday Morning Roar!Government Putting Pressure On Delaware Over Tax StatusDelaware, tiny though it may be, provides one of the absolute best business environments that the nation has to offer, in addition to providing its residents and tourist passers-through tax free shopping. Business fees and taxes in turn have been good to the state, providing 23% of its revenue. That's win-win. Naturally, the federal government hates it. Per Yahoo:

the state offers companies low taxes, an efficient, pro-business legal environment, and it allows anyone to set up a company anonymously, registering a shell that hides who really controls it and controls the money within it.

That has now put Delaware, and other states that permit shell companies, in the sights of the US authorities, after they have campaigned against international tax havens like Switzerland to fight tax dodging and money laundering.

Of course, "tax dodging" is a relative term, as the government views the money of its citizens and the companies that may or may not own as its property, temporarily lent out before returning home to be squandered. Everyone is a tax dodger to the government.Various legislations have been bandied about and discussed, some coming from politicians who demand that Delaware's tax haven status and relative ease involved in registering companies be rescinded so that no state has "an advantage over another." Is there anything more "government" than that?Of course, there is also the issue of criminals using shell companies as fronts, however that represents a very small minority of businesses. we have seen time and time again, the government is more than happy to use a small  incident to push through sweeping regulations that penalize the vast majority (gun control anyone?)America Can't Win With ISIS Situation Just a quick take on this, as I have written many, many times about U.S. involvement in the Middle East and how it causes blowback against us, however I had to share this excerpt from the NY Times.

“As a student of terrorism for the last 30 years, I am afraid of that formula of ‘supporting the American effort,’ ” said Diaa Rashwan, a scholar at the Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies, a government-funded policy organization in Cairo. “It is very dangerous.”The tepid support could further complicate the already complex task Mr. Obama has laid out for himself in fighting the extremist Islamic State in Iraq and Syria: He must try to confront the group without aiding Syria’s president, Bashar al-Assad, or appearing to side with Mr. Assad’s Shiite allies, Iran and the militant group Hezbollah, against discontented Sunnis across the Arab world.While Arab nations allied with the United States vowed on Thursday to “do their share” to fight ISIS and issued a joint communiqué supporting a broad strategy, the underlying tone was one of reluctance. The government perhaps most eager to join a coalition against ISIS was that of Syria, which Mr. Obama had already ruled out as a partner for what he described as terrorizing its citizens.

The whole situation is utterly ridiculous. The U.S. has to tap dance around, supporting some terrorists, as the government often does, to fight other terrorists, while snubbing other governments that have been labeled "terrorists," but of course that's the only government that actually wants to help. This is an Abbot and Castello routine. All we need is for Obama to yell "Third base!"PA Teen Faces 2 Years In Jail For Taking Sexual Photos With Jesus Statue It wouldn't be Friday without a teen facing two years of jailtime for taking sexually compromising photos with a Jesus statue and then posting them on Facebook would it? Of course it wouldn't.

KRON4 reports that the photos were taken and uploaded in July in front of the “Love in the Name of Christ” Christian organization in his hometown of Everett.The young man is charged with “Desecration of a Venerated Object.”, which is defined as “Defacing, damaging, polluting or otherwise, physically mistreating in a way that the actor knows will outrage the sensibilities of persons likely to observe or discover the action.”This is a charge that was often used against people who burnt American flags in protest.

It's insanity that the police department of this town is pressing charges over an act that did no damage other than to the paper-thin skin of the Christians in Everett, and one that was obviously done in jest.The Free Thought Project, where I garnered this story from, correctly points out that these idiots will likely not be able to hold the modern-day crucifixion of this young man.

It is important to note that any act may be protected or  not  depending upon context and intention. For example, if a flag was burned in protest it is protected speech, if it was burned as an act of vandalism, it is not.If the young man was expressing his distaste for the church, then legally, per our constitution, these charges must be dropped.

I think I can assure everyone that the youngster will undoubtedly be expressing his distaste for the church in court as well as in the photos.Read The Morning Roar every weekday Monday-Friday!The Lions of Liberty are on TwitterFacebook & Google+Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!

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