TMR: Jon Stewart Skewers Obama on ISIS, 3D Printed Gun Creator on RT, and a Brand New Ben Swann "Truth in Media" Episode!

Reading is great and all, but once it's nice to just sit back, click play, and soak in the words of others. Hopefully today is one of those times for my fellow liberty-lovers, as today we present to you an all-video edition of The Morning Roar!  Video may have killed the radio star, but we're betting that in this case it will embolden those who hold dear the ideas of liberty.Jon Stewart Skewers Obama on ISIS StrategyIn Monday night's edition of The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, the often ideologically confused and always-hilarious Jon Stewart laid into the President on the presentation of his strategy for combating ISIS. His criticisms include the waffling of the Administration over whether or not the actions constitute a "war" and sketchy strategy of using the Bush Administration's Authorization for Military Force Against Terrorists signed shortly after September 11th, 2001 to justify actions against ISIS.Stewart spares no breath in an effort to equally chastise the critics of Obama's strategy from the Right, many of whom were of course major cheerleaders of George W. Bush's invasion of Iraq over a decade ago. But hey, I suppose a lot of things can change in a decade! After all, the Lions of Liberty were barely twinkles in Ron Paul's eye back then!While Stewart isn't exactly a champion of individual rights, he always delivers when it comes to raking establishment figures from both the political and media realms (is there even a difference anymore?) over the coals. Check out the full video below:

As we have discussed in this forum before, it is very likely that the propaganda beheading videos being used to gather support for military action in the Middle East are likely staged. The only question remains who benefits from them, and for what motive? As we've seen with past U.S. interventions in the Middle East, the true motivations of the officials calling for war often fly in the face of any claims they may make about the "humanitarian" nature of the mission. 3D Printed Gun Creator Speaks Out on RTGun control is always a hot topic when it comes up in debate, and can be one of the more difficult issues to argue from the libertarian perspective due to the emotion involved in the media hype surrounding certain shooting incidents. This is despite the overwhelming evidence that gun violence has been declining in the United States for the past twenty years, but why let facts get in the way when it comes to infringing on the rights of individuals?At some point in the not-so-distant future, the gun control "debate" may become less and less relevant, as new technology emerges that will allow anyone to create a gun themselves in the comfort of their own homes via 3D printing, effectively nullifying just about every gun law on the books by eliminating the point of sale at which the government is able to intervene in gun purchases.The forebearer of this technology is a fellow by the name of Cody Wilson, who recently appeared on RT's "Sophie & Co" to discuss his invention of "The Libertaror" - the first 3D gun- and how this technology will shape the future. technology itself won't bring freedom to the world - only a philosophical understanding of individual rights by the population at large can create such dramatic change - technologies such as 3D printing can help to empower individuals and effectively negate many tyrannical man-made laws imposed on individuals the world over.Ben Swann's Latest "Truth in Media" Episode: Feds Say Cannabis Isn't Medicine While Holding Patent on Cannabis as MedicineWe've long touted our liberty-love for the work of independent, investigative journalist Ben Swann. Naturally, his quest for "Truth in Media" has led him to give some favorable coverage to important liberty issues. His most recent "Truth in Media" episode released yesterday is one of those - as well as one of his most important to date - as he highlights the War on Medical Cannabis, perhaps the most dastardly and blatantly illogical aspect of the evil War on Drugs. While the advocacy of violence against an individual for putting any substance in their body at all is anathema to the ideas of liberty, the U.S. government's stance on medical marijuana may be the most glaring example of the complete abandonment of reason as it pertains to the Drug War.In this episode, Swann examines many of the purported medical benefits of cannabis, as well as the utter hypocrisy of the U.S. government, which claims that marijuana is not medicine while at the same time holding a patent for marijuana as medicine! I highly recommend taking the time learn the facts on this very important issue.'s team has also issued a call to action on the medical marijuana issue, the details of which can be found here.And if you missed Ben Swann's appearance on the Lions of Liberty Podcast, give those eyeballs a rest and let the smooth sounds of your shining beacon of liberty (that's me!) and Ben Swann guide you for a bit.Read The Morning Roar every weekday Monday-Friday!The Lions of Liberty are on TwitterFacebook & Google+Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!

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