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TMR: Iraqi Politicians Suspect Link Between C.I.A. And ISIS, Michigan County Seizes Disabled Woman’s Home, Scotland Independence Vote Rigging

Here’s your Monday edition of The Morning Roar!Iraqi Politicians Suspect Link Between C.I.A. And ISISCount members of the Iraqi government among the growing number of conspiracy theorists that believe the U.S. government is secretly behind the formation and development of the radical Islamic State.The New York Times reports:

The Islamic State, also known by the acronym  ISIS, has conquered many of the predominantly Sunni Muslim provinces in Iraq’s northeast, aided by the alienation of many residents to the Shiite-dominated government of the former prime minister, Nuri Kamal al-Maliki. President Obama has insisted repeatedly that American military action against the Islamic State depended on the installation of a more inclusive government in Baghdad, but he moved ahead before it was complete.

The Parliament has not yet confirmed nominees for the crucial posts of interior or defense minister, in part because of discord between Sunni and Shiite factions, and the Iraqi news media has reported that it may be more than a month before the posts are filled.

The demonstration on Saturday was the latest in a series of signals from Shiite leaders or militias, especially those considered close to Iran, warning the United States not to put its soldiers back on the ground. Mr. Obama has pledged not to send combat troops, but he seems to have convinced few Iraqis. “We don’t trust him,” said Raad Hatem, 40.

Haidar al-Assadi, 40, agreed. “The Islamic State is a clear creation of the United States, and the United States is trying to intervene again using the excuse of the Islamic State,” he said.

Claiming that the C.I.A. has been involved in the rise of ISIS is a serious accusation, and it should not be surprising that Iraqis' trust in the United States has waned after more than a decade of U.S. intervention in the country. There are no longer officially U.S. “boots on the ground” in Iraq, but U.S. officials didn’t build a billion dollar embassy for no reason.Do not be fooled, the U.S. never left Iraq.Michigan County Seizes Disabled Woman’s HomeA government that relies upon force and operates without consent is a danger to the people it claims to serve. A disabled woman in Kalamazoo learned this lesson the hard way when a county government seized her home after one missed property tax payment.From Fox 17:

Court documents show several notices were sent out from the county treasurer’s office over the last year. However, Calley said she didn’t see a single one.FOX 17 Problem Solvers discovered that 10 letters were sent out.  However, only one was addressed to Calley. The others were sent to banks.“I’ve never been affiliated with any of those banks, ever,” Calley said. A receipt from Calley’s realtor shows she paid more than $164,000 in cash for the home, so she didn’t have a mortgage.As for the single letter that was addressed to her home, Calley said she didn’t get that one either.“I know for a fact that it went back to this company called Title Check, because I have a receipt from the person at Title Check who signed it at their address in Kalamazoo,” Calley said.Realtor Doorlag said confusion over property taxes causes a large number of foreclosures in Kalamazoo County. “Especially the elderly people, widows that have never paid bills. They’ve never paid their taxes.” Property tax payments are usually included in a person’s mortgage through an escrow account.Calley has until Sept. 19 to convince a judge that proper notice of foreclosure failed to take place. She said she wants to pay what she owes and keep her home.

If the judges rules against Deborah Calley she will lose her home and receive zero compensation. The county will auction off the home and will keep all of the profits.When property is purchased, certain contractual stipulations such as with a homeowners association with surrounding property owners are common. It is also normal for there to be penalties for breaking the contract. There is nothing wrong with enforcing fines agreed upon by contract for neglecting payment, thought it is not rational for a person to agree to give up their home as a result of not paying an HOA fee.Only governments that rely upon the threat of force to exist are able confiscate property as a result of missing a tax payment that is only a fraction of the value of the property.Scotland Independence Vote RiggingIt’s no secret that the elites in Great Britain had great incentive attached to winning the no vote and keeping Scotland united with Great Britain. The fact that we are now seeing video evidence of blatant election fraud is not the least bit surprising.Yay democracy!Read The Morning Roar every weekday Monday-Friday!The Lions of Liberty are on TwitterFacebook & Google+Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!

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