TMR: Never-Ending Hate For Michelle O's Horrible School Food, Google Says Spying Will Break the Internet, and Cops Destroy Car Window & Taser Man For No Seatbelt

Children, Parents, Schools All Hate Michelle Obama's School LunchesI wrote previously about kids taking to social media to protest the disgusting, skimpy and stupid food products being forced upon children nationwide by Michelle Obama's new anti-obesity campaig and shockingly, nothing has changed. From grade school to high school, kids despise the bad tasting, highly-regulated fare they are being presented with, and it's resulting in massive food waste and revenue hits for schools that rely on food sales as a staple of the budget every year.There is a good long read breaking down the entire issue from the NY Times that published yesterday, and EAG News has followed that up today with some additional reporting from the trenches (EAG has stayed on top of this for a loooong time, however. NYT is very late to the party, but what else is new).

BURLEY, Idaho – Burley High School has seen a 25 percent decrease in participation since changes to the National School Lunch Program went into effect.Those students now “bring sack lunches, dash off campus for fast food or skip the meal altogether,” according to the Times-News.Meanwhile, students in Austintown, Ohio aren’t faring much better.“Kids can’t take two ketchup packets [for burgers] because that would set them over on calories” for that condiment, Natalie Winkle, district food-service secretary and assistant tells The Vindicator.The district’s food service director says costs are up and revenues are down.

Well, naturally they are. Why would children bother to eat high-priced garbage that either tastes disgusting, leaves them still starving or both when there are ample options off campus or that can be brought from home? It doesn't help that students that do partake in school lunch (like the 31 million on the taxpayer funded school lunch program) are being given more vegetables to make up the difference, most of which simply is thrown into the garbage.The absurdity and rigidity of this whole mess is inexcusable. Schools should run their lunch programs how they like, and many are so rightly fed up and pissed off that they are telling Michelle Obama and the government to shove it and keep their subsidies. It's not worth it to the school or to the kids.Google Chairman Says Government Spying Will "Break" the Web In a very insightful speech, Google chairman Eric Schmidt made an argument I actually hadn't heard or thought of before - namely that continued government spying will cause firewalls to be raised blocking international access to the web in the name of security.

Google Chairman Eric Schmidt warned Wednesday that the Internet will soon undergo massive upheaval if governments refuse to alter the way they spy on other countries.Speaking at an event in California hosted by Sen. Ron Wyden, Schmidt said the Internet will splinter into walled-off fragments unless digital surveillance practices of the National Security Agency and foreign intelligence agencies are reformed."The simplest outcome is that we're going to end up breaking the Internet," Schmidt said. "Because what's going to happen is, governments will do bad laws of one kind or another, and they are eventually going to say, 'We want our own Internet in our country because we want it to work our way, right? And we don't want these NSA and other people in it.'""The cost of that is huge," Schmidt added. "The impact … is severe and getting worse."As an example of the potential for digital fragmentation across borders, Schmidt highlighted Germany's decision this summer to end a contract with Verizon because of revelations regarding the NSA's bulk collection of millions of phone records.

Hmm...this guy seems pretty smart. Someone put him in charge of the world's most profitable company! Oh, they did? OK then.Indiana Cops Shatter Man's Window, Taser Him For Not Wearing Seatbelt and Refusing to Exit Car at GUNPOINT. Another day, another tale of an overly violent and potentially deadly reaction from police in an everyday situation. Today's story comes from Hammond, Indiana via Reason.

Lisa Mahone was driving through Hammond, Indiana, when police pulled her over because she wasn't wearing her seat belt. When her boyfriend, Jamal Jones, reached for his ID as police requested, one of the cops apparently pulled out a gun.

The police demanded Jones get out of the car, which he refused to do after police pulled a gun on him when he had reached for his ID.

"He just pulled a gun on us, and we don't have a gun," she says to the 911 operator she's on the phone with near the beginning of the video. Right before the cop busts in her window, she can be heard asking, "Why do you say somebody's not going to hurt you? People are getting shot by the police—" Smash!So they smashed in the passenger-side window—sending glass flying toward Jones' children in the backseat—and then used a taser on him.

You can watch the terrifying video of the event below, captured by Jones' 14 year old son from the back seat.There is a massive problem with the police in this country right now. These "law enforcement officers" have no check on their reckless aggression and abuse of power, and seemingly also have absolutely no ability to utilize the cognitive portions of their brains to properly understand a situation.A man and a woman are in a car, pull over when told, and have two young children in the back seat. Why would an officer pull his gun when Jones reaches to get his information (after being prompted to do so)? Why would Jones ever pull a gun on the police in this situation? And what possible reason would they have for forcing either of them to exit the car? These are all very good questions. And then to taser Jones after all of this, despite his being a passenger who had complied (his wife was being asked to get out of the car in the video and refused) is insanity. This is a man who had done nothing except not wear a seatbelt (the most ridiculous of traffic violations and a pure moneymaking scheme).It's getting very difficult to defend police these days and people are realizing it, no matter how many idiotic and formulaic cop shows they keep vomiting out on TV to paint them as unflappable heroes.Read The Morning Roar every weekday Monday-Friday!The Lions of Liberty are on TwitterFacebook & Google+Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!

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