TMR: A "Government Bubble of Massive Size," Iowa Libertarian Candidate Dies in Plane Crash, and Obamacare 2015 Insurance Costs Won't Be Posted Until After Nov. Elections

What day is it? Wednesday? I guess that makes this your hump day Morning Roar! Bond Market on "Government Bubble of Massive Size"Ben Swann's website has an article up noting what entrepreneur Peter Thiel said on CNBC's "Squawk on the Street" the other day, which of course echoes what those of the Austrian school of thought have been yelling for years.

“You said that things would get quite tough when QE ended a month ago, and sure enough the volatility is spiking,” said host Simon Hobbs.“We’ve been in this world where people have been printing money at the Fed for six years, and so it is a very strange question, what happens when it ends,” replied Thiel.“What do you think of tech valuations at the moment?” asked Hobbs.“There’s a way in which the QE has affected all valuations. I think it affects- I think the thing that is most distorted is the bond market and fixed income, and perhaps less on the equity side, but we certainly are back on a government bubble of massive size,” said Thiel.

Nice to see Theil speaking out on such a widely-watched platform for monetary commentary. One would hope that this shout into the chasm would echo, though against all logic these things typically are muffled and forgotten by the Krugmans of the world.Libertarian Senate Candidate Doug Butzier Dies in Plane Crash We lost one of the good ones yesterday, as Doug Butzier, who was running for Iowa's Senate as a Libertarian died tragically when his personal plane crashed making a 2nd approach to a local airport runway. From KCRG:

Dalsing said the plane missed its first approach to the runway and crashed while approaching for a second time. Around an inch and a half of rain fell in the Dubuque area throughout the day and into the night Monday, though Dalsing said it wasn’t clear if weather played a role in the crash.Butzier worked as an emergency room physician at Mercy Medical Center in Dubuque.Here are statements released in response to Butzier’s death:From U.S. Senate Democratic candidate Bruce Braley — “I’m shocked and saddened to hear of the sudden and tragic death of Doug Butzier. I have enormous respect for anyone who puts their name forward as a candidate for public office. Carolyn and I send our thoughts and prayers to Dr. Butzier’s wife and family during this difficult time.”From U.S. Senate Republican candidate Joni Ernst — “I am deeply saddened to learn the tragic news about Dr. Doug Butzier. I appreciated Doug’s willingness to contribute to this important election. In addition to representing Libertarians in this campaign, Doug served his community as an ER doctor and medical leader. Gail and I will keep Doug’s family in our thoughts and prayers as they mourn their untimely loss.”From Mercy Medical Center in Dubuque — “Dr. Butzier was one of the pillars of the emergency department for the past 17 years,” said Russell Knight, Mercy President and CEO. “His influence was felt throughout the hospital, as he led one of our key quality-improvement teams with skill, knowledge, and enthusiasm, helping to produce the outstanding results Mercy has become known for. He was a leader among his peers, and we will all miss his strong, intelligent, thoughtful presence, and we express our collective condolences to Doug’s family, friends, and colleagues.”

Yet another doctor who had taken up the cause of liberty - he'll be missed.Obamacare Insurance Costs For 2015 Being Withheld Until After Nov. ElectionsThis was covered Monday, but it infuriates me so thoroughly that I'm covering it again. In a typically scummy move by "one of the best Presidents ever," the 2015 costs for insurance under Obamacare won't be posted until after the November 4th elections. This of course indicates that Democrats are terrified already and that the costs are sure to increase substantially - substantially enough that anyone with a "D" behind their name can't risk the backlash. And isn't that what the U.S. government is about? Keeping the ruling party in power via a blockade on information that would allow citizens to make rational and well informed decisions on who they would like to lead the country? From the Washington Times:

Those planning to purchase health insurance on the Obamacare exchange will soon find out how much rates have increased — after the Nov. 4 election.Enrollment on the website begins Nov. 15, or 11 days after the midterm vote, and critics who worry about rising premium hikes in 2015 say that’s no coincidence. Last year’s inaugural enrollment period on the health-care exchange began Oct. 1.Robert Laszewski, president of Health Policy and Strategy Associates, said in a Monday column in USA Today that “when it comes to a lack of openness and transparency about Obamacare, this administration has no peer.”Even so, details about cost increases are trickling out in states with pivotal Senate contests: Alaska, Iowa and Louisiana. All three states are wrestling with double-digit premium hikes from some state insurance companies on the exchange, which has fueled another round of Republican attacks on the Affordable Care Act.

"Hey, that thing we forced down everyone's throat that only benefits a small minority of Americans while exponentially increasing costs for everyone else is still doing that thing where prices go up! Quick, hide the evidence and keep those jerks in the dark until we can con them for one more election cycle!" - Obama AdministrationPATHETIC.  Read The Morning Roar every weekday Monday-Friday!The Lions of Liberty are on TwitterFacebook & Google+Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!

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