TMR: TN Cops Deny Secret Service Search of Obama Critic, McCain & Rand Paul Hate Each Other, and CIA's Own Study Says Arming Rebels Doesn't Work

Prepare to be floored, it's your Morning Roar! Nashville, TN Police Deny Secret Service Request to Search Obama Critic With Fake WarrantThis story is a doozy, and very telling in regards to the federal government goons' opinion of exactly what legal requirements have to be met in order to take action against someone the administration doesn't like. From

Following Secret Service Director Julia Pierson’s recent resignation over a major security breach at the White House, new allegations are facing the president’s embattled security detail. According to Phil Williams at News Channel 5, Nashville Police Chief Steve Anderson sent a scathing letter last week to the House Committee on Oversight complaining that Secret Service agents asked Nashville police officers to falsify a warrant during an investigation into a local resident who allegedly posted “threatening” comments about President Obama on Facebook.Williams’ report notes that, in January of 2013, Secret Service agents working out of the Nashville field office visited the home of the resident who made the Facebook postings and knocked on his door. Then, an agent called local police and asked for backup, stating that the individual was refusing to let them in without a warrant and appeared to be armed. When Nashville police arrived, they informed the Secret Service agents that the man in question is a licensed gun owner, did not violate the law, and that a warrant would be required in order to investigate further. Chief Anderson said in his letter, “one of the agents then asked a [Nashville police] sergeant to ‘wave a piece of paper’ in an apparent effort to dupe the resident into thinking that they indeed had a warrant.” Faced with a request to violate their oath of office and the rights of a citizen, the officers with the Metro Nashville Police Department flatly refused and left the scene.Chief Anderson, upset that his officers were asked to violate a citizen’s rights in a way that could have escalated into a dangerous situation, contacted then Secret Service Director Julia Pierson and Assistant Director A.T. Smith to file a complaint. Pierson did not reply to Anderson, but Smith did so in a demeaning tone, essentially telling Nashville’s police chief to “mind [his] own affairs” and refusing to investigate the incident.

Kudos to the Nashville police department for standing up to these government goons.Meghan McCain Says Father & Rand Paul Hate Each Other In today's "Completely Predictable News" it was revealed that pro-war nutjob John McCain and Rand Paul apparently hate each other. This comes directly from the mouth of McCain's daughter Meghan, who looks disturbingly like pop singer Meghan Trainor who sings this annoyingly catchy tune that's currently being overplayed on the radio. It's all about that bass, Meghan.

Meghan McCain appeared on Howard Stern’s SiriusXM radio show to promote her “TakePart Live” talk show on Pivot TV. When Stern asked the 29-year-old what her father thinks of the Tea Party favorite, she quickly replied, “They hate each other.”She repeated the sentiment before wondering aloud if it had previously been publicly disclosed.

Naturally McCain hates Paul, who errs - for the most part - on the side of military frugality when it comes to bombing, invading, undermining and generally doing things that could end up with our troops in a P.O.W. camp, something that you'd think McCain would want to avoid.CIA Report Finds "Covert Aid" Abroad Rarely Has Any Impact To Obama's credit, before sending over arms to the Syrian rebels that America is still arming and training, he tasked the CIA with writing and researching whether or not it would actually do any good. The report that came back made the definitive conclusion that no, it didn't do much good, especially if American troops weren't actually on the ground supporting the effort. But there was one time that it did work! From the NYTimes:

One exception, the report found, was when the C.I.A. helped arm and train mujahedeen rebels fighting Soviet troops in Afghanistan during the 1980s, an operation that slowly bled the Soviet war effort and led to a full military withdrawal in 1989. That covert war was successful without C.I.A. officers in Afghanistan, the report found, largely because there were Pakistani intelligence officers working with the rebels in Afghanistan.

But the Afghan-Soviet war was also seen as a cautionary tale. Some of the battle-hardened mujahedeen fighters later formed the core of Al Qaeda and used Afghanistan as a base to plan the attacks on Sept. 11, 2001. This only fed concerns that no matter how much care was taken to give arms only to so-called moderate rebels in Syria, the weapons could ultimately end up with groups linked to Al Qaeda, like the Nusra Front.

Ah...great. So, knowing that the one time this method "worked" eventually resulted in the tragic events of 9/11, and taking this report into account, Obama made the logical choice to...arm the rebels? That's our President for you!Not that he's the first, but it's shocking how many times he has stared factual evidence in the face that says in bright, blinking letters, "this is a bad idea!" and still gone through with it. Obamacare, Syria, School Lunch's like watching a blind man walk into the same wall over and over again.Read The Morning Roar every weekday Monday-Friday!The Lions of Liberty are on TwitterFacebook & Google+Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!

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