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TMR: Woman Jailed For Messy Yard, Afroman's Pro-Marijuana Legalization Remix, and South Park Defends Ride-Sharing

It's Friday and it's your Morning Roar! Good times are ahead, my friends!Tennessee Woman Jailed For Messy YardOk, well maybe not good times for everybody. Karen Holloway of Lenoir, TN certainly didn't have a good time when she was ordered by a judge to spend five days in jail. Her crime? Having a messy yard. Yup, that's right, a messy yard.WVLT of Knoxville has the full report:The anchor is correct when he says that it's shocking they would actually follow through on the enforcement of city ordinances by throwing someone in jail. But that's the funny thing about "laws" - they are inevitably backed up by the threat of being forced into a cage - and every so often, those threats are backed up.In a free society, people would likely form communities - as they often do now- with private rules regarding the maintenance of their lawns. The enforcement mechanisms of said rules would be agreed to by all consenting parties in advance. It is very unlikely that people would voluntarily submit to imprisonment for failing to maintain their lawn, and equally unlikely that a community would ever propose such a thing.But the current conception of government in our society is not of communities coming together, but rather of dictated mandates  forced upon individuals in those communities. This conception of government by fiat - by dictate -  as opposed to by consent (literal consent, not some sort of "social contract" nonsense) is what must change in order for incidents like this to cease.Regular readers of these forums will know they are all too commonplace.Afroman's Pro-Legalization "Because I Got High" RemixBack in "my day", as they say, all the stoner kids were raving about the song by Afroman, "Because I Got High." This song was a parody of marijuana stereotypes in general. In the song Afroman describes all of the things he failed at - such as missing child support payments, losing his job, etc. - all "because he got high."Now, thirteen years later, Afroman is out with a remix of the song, this time with the intent to bring attention to the cause of marijuana legalization. Instead of telling us how he lost his job, Afroman explains how "getting high" helps people with glaucoma, and other benefits that could be associated with legalizing marijuana. libertarians may cringe at the suggestion that tax money from legal marijuana could be used to build schools and that sort of thing, but wouldn't we rather that than send more people to jail for owning a plant? Anything that can bring more attention to the individual rights violations of drug legalization is a positive in my view, and I applaud Afroman's efforts here!South Park Defends Ride-Sharing ServicesSouth Park is really running on all cylinders this season, and by gosh they've done it again! In this clip, we get a sound explanation for why ride-sharing companies like Lyft and Uber are successful, and how angry taxi cab unions should consider adjusting their services if they wish to compete.And with that, I'm OUT! Have a great weekend everyone!Read The Morning Roar every weekday Monday-Friday!The Lions of Liberty are on TwitterFacebook & Google+Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!

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