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TMR: Krugman "Derps" Ron Paul, US Gifts Weapons to ISIS in Gun Drop Goof, and 70% of Americans Want OTC Birth Control

Your Wednesday Morning Roar! Paul Krugman "Derps" Ron Paul in New Blog Post While Suckling the Fed No libertarian is a fan of Paul Krugman, the quixotic winner of a Nobel Prize in Economics, which he has parlayed into a career as a liberal shill who can't stop licking the boots of the Fed as he cries for ever more dollars to be printed to fit his destructive Keynesian worldview. Well, when Krugman isn't making insane statements about the President being "one of the best ever," he's writing blog posts about seeing Ron Paul on TV while on an airplane, and trying to appeal to the younger generation by attempting to utilize a now-dated phrase.

Last night Atif Mian and I flew up to Boston for a conference — and as I slid into my seat, who should I see staring at me but Ron Paul. It turned out that all of the seatback screens in the plane were showing Newsmax TV — who knew there was such a thing? Is it there to serve people who find Fox News too liberal? — and as best I could tell from the visual context (the sound was blessedly off), the elder Paul was lecturing us about monetary policy.This sort of thing is obviously an important part of the reason we’re living in an  age of derp. Events and data may have made nonsense of claims that the Fed’s policies would inevitably produce runaway inflation, and made those insisting on such claims look like fools; but there’s a large audience of people who, pulled in by affinity fraud, live in a bubble where they never hear about such evidence.Truly, we live in a world in which people feel entitled not just to their own opinions but their own facts.

Sweet use of "derp" there, Kruggie! No one has used that term in the past 5 years. Maybe he'll break out a "Ron Paul is the best...NOT!" soon.Can there be a man with less self-awareness than Krugman with his "entitled to their own opinions but their own facts?" Krugman lives in a fantasy world where there is no penalty to endless fiat currency flooding the markets, despite stark examples of how detrimental it is. Housing bubble, anyone?I'm not sure what Krugman's definition of "runaway" inflation is, but it certainly sounds like a term that one would use when he wants to somehow belittle an undeniable fact (inflation) by slapping "runaway" on it to make it sound absurd. And what would the definition of "runaway" inflation be, anyway? Say, 38%?  Because that's the cumulative inflation of the dollar since 2000 according to It seems like it's running awful fast to me and to the rest of America that is still reeling from the latest inflated food bills at the grocery store.US Drops Weapons Into ISIS' Hands ISIS issued a new video showing quite a few crates of American armament that they claim were dropped by the US Government with the intent of aiding Kurds making a stand in Kobani, but ended up falling into an ISIS controlled region and thus, benefitted them. From the Daily Beast:

An ISIS-associated YouTube account posted a new video online  Tuesday entitled, “Weapons and munitions dropped by American planes and landed in the areas controlled by the Islamic State in Kobani.” The video was also posted on the Twitter  account of “a3maq news,” which acts as an unofficial media arm of ISIS. The outfit has previously posted videos of ISIS fighters firing American made Howitzer  cannons and seizing marijuana fields in  Syria.ISIS had broadly advertised its acquisition of a broad range of U.S.-made  weaponsduring its rampage across Iraq. ISIS videos have showed its fighters driving U.S. tanks, MRAPs, Humvees. There are unconfirmed reports ISIS has stolen three fighter  planes from Iraqi bases it conquered.

The government is claiming that this is a hoax, which it very well may be. Of course, with the US' record of providing arms to "allies" that later become enemies, one way or another no matter who actually got those guns, they'd still most likely be aimed back at us down the line.This was just a little quicker - making this the first time ever that the government has done anything efficiently!70% of Americans Want OTC Birth Control A recent poll taken by Reason-Rupe revealed shocking results...namely that 70% of Americans actually agreed on a logical stance when it comes to birth control. Yes, Americans have agreed in a major majority that birth control should be readily available to anyone over the age of 18 (though I would say make it available at as early an age as it is medically safe) without any need for a prescription.While this seems like a very obvious solution, Planned Parenthood and some choice Democrats are crying that this would mean that women would actually have to pay for their own birth control, instead of forcing employers to pay for it as is mandated by Obamacare. From Reason:

Planned Parenthood and some Democrats have pushed back, expressing concerns that legalizing OTC birth control  would require women to pay for it, rather than have it paid for by their health insurance premiums. For instance, Rebecca Leber explained:"For low-income women, cost can be what’s most prohibitive. Under the Affordable Care Act, the pill and other forms of contraception count as preventative care, which means insurance covers them completely—without any out-of-pocket expenses."Planned Parenthood recently released an ad in North Carolina  warning: “Just when insurance is finally covering the cost of prescription birth control, Thom Tillis [the Republican] says no—women should pay the $600 dollars a year…he’s turning the pill into yet another bill.” To be clear, Democrats are not necessarily opposed to legalizing OTC birth control, but rather they want to ensure women don’t have to pay for it.Reason’s own Elizabeth Brown has  countered:"Affordability isn’t the only factor in making something accessible. Those championing the contraception mandate as a way to increase access assume everyone always has insurance coverage. What about undocumented women? Or those between jobs and temporarily uninsured? What about young women who can’t let their parents know they’re on the pill? Or domestic abuse victims who want to keep this information from their husbands? These are just a few of the situations in which a woman would find OTC pills much more accessible and affordable than the prescription-only kind, even if those prescription pills came with no co-pay."

There is no reason that legislation allowing OTC birth control shouldn't pass, and with bi-partisan support, it looks very likely to do so soon.Read The Morning Roar every weekday Monday-Friday!The Lions of Liberty are on TwitterFacebook & Google+Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!

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